Disease timeline

  • The Great Plague of London

    Records state that deaths in London crept up to 1,000 and then to 2,000 people per week and, by September 1665, to 7,000 per week. King Charles II left the city for Oxfordshire to get away at this point.By late autumn, the death toll began to slow until, in February 1666, it was considered safe enough for the King and his entourage to return to the city. By this time, however, trade with the European continent had spread this outbreak of plague to France, where it died out the following winter.
  • The Great Plague of London-Spreading

    It was spread by flees which were carried by rats round the streets on london and in homes. The flees were infected with the plages and when they came into contact with a human they would pass it on. This spread from one person to another and soon everyone had it.
  • Edward Jenner and smallpox spreading

    A person with the smallpox disease is only contagious through spread of the fluids from the rashes. Direct contact with infected skin can transmit the virus. appear are typically inside the mouth.Therefore, coughing, sneezing, speaking and even breathing can spread the virus through saliva droplets expelled from the mouth. As a result, the greatest risk comes from face-to-face contact (6 feet or less, most often after 1 or more hours), with an infected person.
  • Edward Jenner and smallpox

    Jenner carried out his now famous experiment on eight-year-old James Phipps. Jenner inserted pus taken from a cowpox pustule and inserted it into an incision on the boy's arm. He was testing his theory, drawn from the folklore of the countryside, that milkmaids who suffered the mild disease of cowpox never contracted smallpox, one of the greatest killers of the period, particularly among children. Jenner subsequently proved that having been inoculated with cowpox Phipps was immune to smallpox.
  • Malaria

    (around the 1800 's or there abouts!) Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease of humans and other animals caused by protists (a type of microorganism). It begins with a bite from an infected female mosquito, which introduces the protists via its saliva.The disease causes symptoms that typically include fever and headache, which in severe cases can progress to coma or death. Malaria is widespread around the equator,including Africa, asia and the americas.
  • Ebola

    (around late 1900's) It is a virus, Ebola spreads by body fluids such as sweat and blood.It cannot be cured, it spreads easily and you can catch it. It developes very fast, kills thousands every year and the effects are extremely drastic: fever, intestine weakness, muscule pain, headache,and sore throat followed by vomiting,diarrohoea, rashes, liver and kidney failure and massive internal and external bleeding)

    Unprotected sex with someone already carrying HIV has accounted for the majority of cases of the spreading of HIV infections worldwide.When a women gets pregnant and has it,the baby gets it from birth so it is like a chain. It is a virus. The immune system stops working when you have this.You don't usually die from it even though its not cureable (only treatable. Drugs have been proven to slow the proccess down though) .
  • swine flu spreading

    If you do not cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing the virus spreads when others inhale these droplets. And if you cough or sneeze into your hand, those droplets and the microbes in them are easily spread to any surfaces that you touch, where they can survive for some time. By touching these everyday items and then touching your face the virus can enter your system and that items and then touching your face the virus can enter your system, and that is how swine flu is spread around.
  • Swine Flu

    Influenza is caused by a virus. There are many types of flu virus and these are constantly changing, making it hard for the immune system to deal with. The symptoms of swine flu begin within two days of exposure, at which point the person is most infectious: High fever (usually above 38ºC),Cough,Sore throat
    Headache Aching musclesChills and shivers despite fever Exhaustion or fatigue,Diarrhoea or a stomach upsset. Spread through tiny droplets which come out of your nose and mouth when you cough