Projected life cycle

By Adeemer
  • Period: to

    Beginning Stage

    -dating a Starbucks worker (female)
    -just started to date
    -no children
    -starts when you start dating someone
    -ends when you get married or break up
  • Period: to

    Child Bearing Stage

    -got married two years ago
    -just had our first child
    -I want two kids
    -starts when you have your first child
  • Period: to

    Parenting Stage

    -children growing up
    -a boy and a girl
    -Billy the boy
    -Mary the girl
    -starts when the first child is born
    -ends when all your kids move out
  • Period: to

    Launching Stage

    -lasts when the kids start moving out
    -ends when the last kid moves out
    -preparing to live with only you two again
  • Period: to

    Mid Year Stage

    -independent couple
    -children living on there own
    -Billy has an ugly wife
    -Mary is on her own living with 6 cats
    -starts when the last kid moves out
    -ends when they retire
  • Period: to

    Aging Stage

    -when me and Starbucks lady retire
    -and our two kids take care of us
    -Starts when you retire
    -ends when you die