Development of Greek and Roman Democracy

By MaxWu
  • Solon's Contribution On Democracy

    Solon, a widely respected polititian, canceled the rule of slavery based upon debt and the farmers' debts in approximately 594 B.C. He also established four classes of men based upon wealth and created the council of 400, enabling all citizens of Athens to vote.
  • Rome Becomes a Republic

    Rome becomes a Republican government during 509 B.C., its monarchy being overthrown by a group of aristocrats.
  • Cleisthenes's Contribution on Democracy

    Cleisthenes improved the democracy system in Athens during 508 B.C. by equalizing the power of the rich & poor, create the council of 500 to assist the assembly, create a assembly to create laws & other matters, and enabling all citizens be able to submit their ideas.
  • Pericles's Contribution on Democracy

    Pericles attributes to democracy in Athens from 461 to 429 B.C. by increasing the pay of public officers and jurors, which gives poorer citizens the possiblity to attend in politics.
  • the Republic written by plato

    The Republic is written in 380B.C.
  • The Politics wirrten by Aristotle

    Aristotle wrote the Politics in 335~323 B.C.
  • The Twelve Tables

    Starting from 451 B.C., ten Roman officials created twelve sets of laws engraved on 10 stone tablets to define the Roman Laws.
  • The Justinian Code

    In 528 Anno Domini, Emperor Justinian of the Byzantine Empire ordered a new code of laws to be created. It consists of over 5,000 laws, with 4 sections: The Code, The Digest, The Institute, The Novellae.