Development of child- Psychology

  • Born

    Born on this day
  • Newborn reflexes

    1) Root Reflex ( helps them understand where a touch or feeling is coming from)
    2) Suck Reflex ( Helps them eat)
    3) Moro Reflex ( Reflex for loud noises)
    4) Tonic Neck Reflex ( Reflex for arm position when laying on side)
    5) Grasp Reflex ( For grabbing And grasping things )
    6) Babinski Reflex ( Ticklish on feet relfex)
    7) Step Reflex ( Moving legs in a walking movement when placed on solid surface)
    8) Swimming ( Infants know how to swim when they are newborns)
    9) Blinking (Protects infants eyes)
  • Tonic Neck Reflex and Grasp Reflex end

    At 3-4 months, the Tonic Neck Reflex ends
  • Hearing

    (Two months)
    Startle when they hear loud or sudden noises
    Can be quieted by a familiar friendly voice
    Prefer complex sounds
    They can dstinguish some sound patterns
    Listen longer to human speech than to non-speech sounds
    Turn eyes and head in the general direction of a sound
  • Vision

    (Two months)
    Babies can follow things that are moving slowly
    Eyes will wander and occasionally cross
    They prefer black and white and high contrast patterns
    Prefer the human face
    Prefer parent's face over others
    Turn eyes and head to look at light source
  • Touch

    (Two months)
    Can respond to touch and pain
    Able to feel different objects and surfaces
    Prefer soft to coarse sensations
    Dislike rough or abrupt handling
    Touch, especially skin to skin contact, decreases infant’s stress
  • Taste and Smell

    (Two months)
    They can recognize the scent of their mother’s breastmilk
    Prefer the scent of human milk
    Distinguish odors and prefer those of
    sweet-tasting foods
    Avoid bitter and acidic smells
    Distinguish sweet, sour, and bitter tastes and babies
    prefer sweetness
  • Language

    (Two months)
    Have different cries
    Have a variety of sounds
  • Physical movement

    (Two months)
    Lift head
    Hold head up when held at caregiver’s shoulder
    Raise head when lying on back
    Bring hands together
    Hold hands together
  • Swimming knowledge ends

    At 4-6 months babies lose the ability to swim if they it was not practiced
  • Language

    (Four months)
    Make sounds when looking at toys or people
    Responds to caregiver by making sounds
    Blow bubbles, sputter loudly
    Make simple vocalizations containing mostly vowel, but sometimes a number of consonants
  • Physical Movement

    (Four months)
    Play with hands at midline of body
    Bring hand to mouth
    Suck fingers and fists
    Take swipes at dangling objects with hands
    Grasp and shake hand toys
    Reach for an object when supported in a sitting position
    Hold an object briefly when placed in hand
    Use ulnar grasp when reaching
  • Moro Reflex ends

    At 5-6 months the Moro relfex ends
  • Hearing

    (Six months)
    They respond to speech sounds by stopping to play and becoming quiet
    Turn head toward either side to locate a source of sound
    Brighten to sound, especially to someone's voices
    Can distinguish musical tunes
    Identify location of a sound
    Become sensitive to syllable stress patterns in own language
  • Vision

    (Six Months)
    Turn head from side to side to follow a toy
    Glance from one object to another
    Prefer more complex pattern
    20/20 vision reached
    Eyes track moving objects with increasing skill
  • Touch

    (Six Months)
    Explore most objects with their mouth
    Enjoy touch and being touched
  • Physical Movement

    (Six months)
    Use hands to reach, grasp, bang, and splash
    Bring hands or toy to mouth
    Shake objects
    Reach with one hand
    Use raking grasp (not pincer) using all fingers
    Hold onto toys or objects
    Pat and pull at your hair, glasses, and face
  • Language

    (Six months)
    Turn head and look in direction of a new sound
    Respond to own name
    Seem to respond to some words
    Recognize and prefer caregivers voice
    Listen and look at caregiver’s face when he or she speaks
    Smiles and laughs in response to caregiver’s smiles and laughter
    Make sounds while caregiver is
    talking to him
    Vocalize pleasure and displeasure
    Imitate cough or other sound
    Babble, using a variety of sounds
    Babble chains of consonants sounds and repeat syllables
  • Hearing

    (Nine Months)
    Respond to soft levels of speech and other sounds
    Temporarily stop action in response to “no”
    Babble using a variety of repeated consonant-vowel combinations
    Can change pitch of voice
  • Vision

    (Nine Months)
    Notice small items
    Show interest in pictures
    Recognize partially hidden objects
    Have developed depth perception
  • Language

    (Nine months)
    Turn to look for a source of sound
    Respond to telephone ringing or a knock on the door
    Understand short instructions
    Babble a series of different sounds
    Make sounds and/or gestures to
    get attention or help.
    Imitate speech sounds
  • Physical Movement

    (Nine months)
    Sit without support for a few minutes
    Attempt to move by crawling
    Stand with support, when helped into standing position
    Control their upper body and arms
    Lunge forward to grab toy
    Pass an object from one hand to the other
    Pick up small items using thumb and pointer finger
    Bang two objects together
    Use hands and mouth to explore an object
    Throw and drop objects
    Pounce on moving toys
  • Babinski Reflex ends

    At 8-12 months the Babinski reflex ends
  • Language

    (1 year)
    Increasing attention to speech
    Look at person saying their name
    Understand simple requests and questions
    Use simple gestures, such as shaking head
    for “no” and wave “bye-bye”
    Combine sounds together as though talking
    Take turns making sounds with you
    Use exclamations
    Consistently use 3 or more words
    Show interest in simple picture books
  • Physical Movement

    (1 year)
    Get up into a sitting position from lying down
    Creep on hands and knees
    Get from sitting to crawling
    Pull up to stand at furniture
    Walk holding onto hands or furniture
    Stand momentarily without support
    May take two or three steps without support
    Start to climb stairs/steps or furniture
    Put objects into container
    Take things out of containers
    Let objects go voluntarily
    Pick up small items using tips
    of thumb and first finger
    Push a toy
    Take off socks