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Development in the first year of life

  • Birth

    At birth newborns have the ability to hear, smell, see, and respond to the environment. Infants typically weigh 7.3 pounds at birth and are between 18 and 22 inches long.
  • 3 months

    3 months
    At three months old an infant will already have the grasping and rooting reflex, along with sight and smell. But they will begin to lift their head
  • 4 months

    4 months
    At four months old, along its all of their other abilities, babies will begin to smile
  • 5-6 months

    5-6 months
    Between the age of five and 6 months old, babies will begin to grasp objects
  • 8-10 months

    8-10 months
    During the time span of eight and ten months, babies will start to crawl around, and maybe the infant will be able to pull themselves into a standing position
  • 11-14 months

    11-14 months
    At this time after being able to pull themselves up, and maintain some sort of balance babies will start to walk, tentatively at first.