Destiny P. Russian Revolution

  • Marxists Revolutionaries Spilt

    Marxists Revolutionaries Spilt
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everthing. The charismatic Vlamimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • Beginning of Crises

    Beginning of Crises
    Russia faced a series of crises. The events showed the Czar’s weaknesses and started to show the road to a revolution.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    200,000 workers and their family members pinioned for better working conditions and other freedoms. The people were shot down by the soldiers under Nicholas the second control; 1,000’s of Russians were wounded and 100’s were killed.
  • Demands Meeted

    Demands Meeted
    Nicholas the second promised more freedoms in Oct. 1905 months after bloody Sunday. He delivered with the “Duma”, Russia first parliament. This was one of the first steps to a monarchy.
  • Entering the War

    Entering the War
    Nicholas the second decided to enter Russia into WW1. This mistake caused the county as a whole to fall. The Russians were unprepared to handle the military and the hidden costs of a war; this lead to defeat after defeat.
  • March Riots

    March Riots
    In Petrograd, about 200,000 woman textile workers led a strike crossed citywide; they demanded that no more war and Nicholas II. Evenly, the solider started to riot with the women, and Nicholas stepped down.
  • Factory workers Take Over

    Factory workers Take Over
    Factory workers raid the winter palace to murdered Nicholas II and his family. Then, they took over the government and arrested the provisional government. Later they called themselves Bolshevik red guards, or red army.
  • Breast treaty

    The treaty of Brest- Kitovskki, Russians and the Germans signed, and agreed to surrender a large amount of land to the Germans and their allies to get out of the war. This left the people of Russian very upset, and bitter.
  • White Vs. Red

    White Vs. Red
    During the backing out of WWI another group was formed, the white army. This lead to a civil war; the white army had the support of the U.S. but wasn’t enough to defeat the red army.
  • New Policy

    New Policy
    Lenin, the leader, decided to fix the broken economy with NEP. NEP was the economic policy about small version of capitalism.
  • U.S.S.R.

    Russia was renamed the U.S.S.R. or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This was one of the first steps to the Bolshevik Revolution.