
Davids time line

  • I was born

    I was born
    the day i was born ME pos.
    Sister (neg)
    It was posititive for me because I wouldn't be here if it wasn't
    It was negative for my sister because she wasn't spoild as much
  • learned to ride a bike with training wheels

    learned to ride a bike with training wheels
    ME positive
    Sister (Neutral)
    It was positive because i had something to do besides watch t.v. but I didnt understand t.v. because I was like 16 months

    Sister just didn't really care that much.
  • learned to ride bike without training wheels

    learned to ride bike without training wheels
    Me positive
    Sister pos It was positive because then i sterted doing full BMX laps
    My sister was happy to have someone to ride with alll the time and beat
  • Started Racing Bmx

    Started Racing Bmx
    Me positive
    Sister negative
    It was positive for me because it was somewhere to go.
    It was negative for my sister because the attention wasn't all on her.
  • first football game

    first football game
    ME (pos.)
    Sister (neutral)
    It was positive because I really wanted to play but I was to young so I finally can play
    My sister really didn't care.
  • first day of school

    first day of school
    Me positive
    Sister positive
    I liked school back then because it was all play and I only went for half a day.
    My sister thought I was being annoyed by homework too.
  • first basketball game

    first basketball game
    Me positive
    sister neutral
    I was asking my parents for years and they always said no.
    My sister wasn't really caring at that point.
  • Won the championship against knights

    Won the championship against knights
    Me Positive
    Sister Positive
    It was positive because I was starting and we went undefeated.
    My sister didn't like knights back then.
  • Changed teams from knights too foothill

    Changed teams from knights too foothill
    Me negative
    Sister negative
    It was negative because it didn't help me any.
    My sister couldn't wear my jersey for sports day.
  • Changed teams back to knights

    Changed teams back to knights
    Sister Positive
    It was positive because I played where I was playing for highschool.
    My sister got to watch me and could wear my jersey on sports day.
  • changed schools too westside

    changed schools too westside
    Me Neutral
    Sister Neutral
    It was more difficult and gave me less relaxing time.
    My sister didnt care because it didn't affect her.
  • First Day of High school

    First Day of High school
    Me positive
    Sister neutral
    It is positive because I don't sit in class for a long time.
    It is neutral because she doesn't have to go to school all the time which is good, and negative because she doesn't get to hang out with all her friends.
  • Graduating from highschool

    Graduating from highschool
    ME positive
    Sister positive
    Positive because I want to go to college and I can finally get a decent job.
    Positive because she doesn't have to drive me to school.