Dark ages

  • 476

    fall of rome

    Germanic Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor to rule the western part of the Roman Empire.
  • Period: 476 to Dec 31, 1300

    Dark ages

  • 500

    king arthur

    King Arthur, semi-legendary Celtic leader resisting Anglo-Saxon invasions of Britain
  • 575


    Gregory the Great becomes a monk
  • Jan 1, 741

    Charles Martel

    he was keader of the franks led to victory of the battle of Tours-Poitiers
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Normans win the Battle of Hastings and the Norman conquest of England follows
  • Jan 1, 1087

    king william

    William invades Wales and builds castles on the borders
  • Oct 13, 1099

    First Crusade

    Jerusalem is re-taken from the Muslims on the urging of Pope Urban II
  • Oct 13, 1118


    The Knights Templar founded to protect Jerusalem and European pilgrims on their journey to the city
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Genghis Khan founds the Mongol Empire.

    Genghis khan got power by joining all the nomadic tribes aftewr he found the mongol empire he started the mongol invasion that would result in the conquest of most of Eurasia,
  • Clovis became King of the Franks.

    He was the first king of franks to unit all the frankish tribes under one ruler.