Czars of the Russian Empire

  • Mar 14, 1472

    Ivan The Great

    Ivan The Great
    Ivan The Great commissioned the building of a new cathedral as a symbol of Russian ascendance. He died in 1505
  • Mar 14, 1547

    Ivan The Terrible

    Ivan The Terrible
    He was the first Russian ruler to be crowned formally as czar. He raised a force of 150,000 men and had his engineers create movable fortresses for the Siege of Kazan.They took Kazan after eight days of fighting which signaled the start of Russia's expansion into an empire. Ivan commissioned the building of St. Basil's Cathedral in 1555 to commemorate his victory. He weakend his empire by launching a series of foolish wars and killed his own son. Ivan died in 1584.
  • Mikhail Feodorovich

    Mikhail Feodorovich
    On Feb. 21, 1613, Mikhail Romanov was elected to the throne on the initiative of the boyars and with the approval of the Zemskii Sobor (National Assembly)
  • Sofia Alexeevna

    Sofia Alexeevna
    During her ruling in the country there were some army reformations applied, more European habits were brought to the Russian people, some people started dressing by the European fashion.
    In 1687, the first educational establishment opened in Russia: the Academy of Slavic, Greek and Latin Studies.
  • Peter The Great

    Peter The Great
    In 1700 Peter The Great used force to take land on the Neva River from Sweden. In 1703 the construction of St. Petersburg began. In 1706 Peter The Great launched the first warship from St. Petersburg. In 1712 Peter proclaimed St. Petersburg as the new Russian capital. By 1714 St. Petersburg was still not the center of power.
  • Catherine The Great

    Catherine The Great
    Catherine annexed roughly 200,000 square miles of territory and transformed St. Petersburg by providing for hospitals, sanitation and schools.
  • Nicholas i

    Nicholas i
    Nicholas strove to serve his country's best interests as he saw them, but his methods were dictatorial, paternalistic, and often inadequate.
  • Alexander ii

    Alexander ii
    The first year of his reign was devoted to the prosecution of the Crimean War and, after the fall of Sevastopol, to negotiations for peace, led by his trusted counsellor Prince Gorchakov. The country had been exhausted and humiliated by the war.
  • Alexander iii

    Alexander iii
    He was highly conservative and reversed some of the liberal measures of his father, Alexander II. During Alexander's reign Russia fought no major wars, for which he was styled "The Peacemaker"
  • Nicholas ii

    Nicholas ii
    Under his rule, Russia was humiliatingly defeated in the Russo-Japanese War, which saw the almost total annihilation of the Russian Baltic Fleet at the Battle of Tsushima.