Culture and Currents of Thought

  • 1500


    They have Shamans which were priests or medicine men to heal the sick. They believed in myths and legends such as how the Earth was formed by the back of a turtle or that everything has a soul. They had dream catchers which were to catch bad and good dreams. Shamans also led the communities in their rituals. Meaning they could connect with the spirit and regular world.
  • 1510

    Social Relationships

    Social Relationships
    They always had respect for the elders. Elders passed on values that could help guide other generations in the future. They respected traditions by following them. They would pass on traditions from generation to generation. There's freedom of actions meaning their are no written laws or private property. If something was in the village it wasn't only yours it was everyone's. The different concepts would be culture, identity, education and society.
  • 1520


    In nature there was animism which meant you respected nature and all living things had a soul so they believe if you kill a rabbit let's say- it died for you to help you. Plants also had spirits. The people tried not offending the spirits in order to keep peace in the world. They also have the circle of life which is the continuous renewal of life in nature. The concepts are culture, religion and identity.
  • 1530

    Communication and exchange in Traditions

    Communication and exchange in Traditions
    They passed on traditions oral because they could not write and had nothing to write on. Often traditions were done in song and dance so they are easy to remember. They would do ceremonies to practice and reinforce the traditions and teach them too. Elders passed on traditions as well to educate younger generations
  • The divine right of kings part 1

    The divine right of kings part 1
    They were influenced by Catholicism. The king had absolute power. In the French System the King put himself above all, including God. If anyone talked about his power they were killed. He got rid of mercantilism which led to a better government. He made the decisions on who's marrying who and who's divorcing who.
  • The divine right of kings part 2

    The divine right of kings part 2
    As King Louis the 14th’s power was kicking in, in Europe, New france wasn't developing in economy and population, so he decided to make a Royal Government which was the first political system in New France in 1663 which gave veto power.

    The King oversaw cultural events and exercises control over the churches. He brought in 1200 professional soldiers to follow the rules of war.
  • Religion in New France

    Religion in New France
    Catholicism was big in New France. Clergy was everywhere. Priests were in charge of everything & people were charged with church tax. Churches were everywhere. Priests work as missionaries. Nuns work in hospitals and in schools. They created schools as a form of a recruiting system to see who's the brightest and most fit to be a priest or what not. Religion was the center of most people's lives. A church can excommunicate you if they dont agree with something you've done.
  • Catholicism

    Catholicism did as they wanted. It was very powerful and if people didn't follow these rules they would be excommunicated. The church ran your life. If you would sin you go to confession and then go to heaven. When being excommunicated you can't associate yourself with anyone in the religion so you were basically dead.
  • Absolutism

    Absolutism is the absolute power of the king. For example like in The Divine Rights of Kings. He has the power to do whatever he wants.
  • Life in New France

    Life in New France
    The inhabitants of New France were happy but worked constantly. They would take care of crops, make clothes, fix tools and prepare themselves for winter. They took care of themselves since New France wasn't exactly developing. France was different from New France because you either had the very rich or very poor. In New France everyone was somewhat equal. The King hired people to rule New France since he ruled France.
  • Ultramontanism

    Ultramontanism is the policy of the party in the roman catholic church. It increases and enhancing the power and authority of the pope. It encourages the duty to the catholic religion and gives all power to the pope or church.
  • Liberalism

    Liberalism is political or social philosophy of advertising the freedom of a person, a government system and economic institutions. Basically you can build whatever you want as long as it doesn't break. It developed parliamentarism. It's a reflection of liberal ideas coming out in architecture.
  • Anticlericalism

    Anticlericalism is the opposite if Ultramontanism. Meaning that the church is not in control of anything except its four walls and that's it. Only thing it handles is its own church affairs.
  • Imperialism Contemporary Period

    Imperialism Contemporary Period
    Imperialism is a policy that extends its authority over an empire, nation, foreign country or holding country. It spreads British ideas in the newspapers and in stories or journals. The newspaper called Le Devoir was created to protect against imperialism.
  • Capitalism

    Capitalism is an economic system where you can invest in and have ownership of whatever is being produced or distributed. It is an exchange in wealth being made. It is the construction of buildings and homes. If you want to start a business you can and if it makes you a millionaire than good, but if doesn't then it puts you in debt. That was your call and your fault. You are free to do whatever with your business as long as it stays within the laws of the country.
  • Socialism

    Socialism is a type of organization that fights for the ownership and control of whatever is being produced or distributed within the land or community all together. The community has a say in what is going on in its community.
  • Agriculturalism

    Agriculturism supports farmers and or farming. This pushes the rural life and spread ideas through magazines. They created groups like Le cercle des fermiers. Duplesse pushed this as well.
  • Nationalismes

    Nationalismes is its devotion to its nation. Nationalismes is the opposite of Imperialism. Britain wanted its colonies to obey even though this wasn't always what happened. Meaning they dont support the mother country meaning Britain but they do support where they live so Canada. You are loyal to yourself. French canadian nationalism didn't support britain they only supported Quebec. English canadian nationalism wanted to support britain but also wanted to support Canada.
  • Laicism

    Laicsism is a non clerical or secular control. It is the influence of the church becoming very powerful and controlling everything such as education, shelters, charities, births, marriages, deaths and etc. you would register with the church not the government. If you didn't got to church you were excommunicated. The church attendance was high.
  • Coperatism

    Corporatism was co-ops that have no owners. The owners were the people were the people who invested in this company. The so called owners get a part of the profit which was a very low amount of money. You also hardly have a say in what goes on or power. To get profit you need to pay a fee to be included. As time goes on the company may grow and your amount of money may rise.
  • Feminism part 1

    Feminism part 1
    The roles of women changed throughout the years because of feminism. Women had hard lives. Married young and had many children. Forced to do what they're husbands said and if they didn't they were beaten. It was legal in Canada to beat and rape your wife if they didn't do as you said. You were your husband's property when married. They had very little rights, little education and no votes. If you were to escape you become a nun. World war 1 was the best thing that could've happened to a women.
  • Aboriginalism

    Aboriginalism are ancestral rights being recognized through tradition and culture. Basically native rights. They got land and rights back.
  • Feminism part 2

    Feminism part 2
    Once the men went to war the women would take over the men's jobs and go to factories. They would have their husbands vote as well. People starting noticing that women could do as men could. When the men came back unfortunately they took theyre jobs back. Birth control the came out and it was good for women because they didn't need to worry about being pregnant and they could go to university and get a degree and jobs.
  • Feminism part 3

    Feminism part 3
    Women fought for their rights by showing that they could do as men did when they went to war. After world war 2 things worked differently. Women fought to go work in factories and go to university and get educated so they can get jobs and start businesses. All women obtained the right to vote in the federal election in 1918.
  • Americanism

    Americanism is how the American culture influenced and rubbed off on other countries. Influence of American culture through the media. They influenced them by movies, tv-shows, fashion, cars and etc. in the early days of television and radio we would get the american things America hated their mother (britain) all about their freedom not the british values. Canada grew up liking their mother (britain) so we grew up with british values. America changed that for the Canadians.
  • Neoliberalism

    Neoliberalism is the new wave of liberalism. It is a hands off government.
  • Aminism

    Animism is having the respect for nature and animals. Everything has a soul. It is the circle of life. It is the belief in supernatural power.
  • Fascism

    Fascism is where one person being a dictator controls the entire country and they rule using propaganda or fake info to make people believe they are what is right for the country.
  • Imperialism British Rule

    Imperialism British Rule
    Imperialism is a policy that extends its authority over an empire, nation, foreign country or holding country. It is architecturally influenced and is 100% loyal to the mother country. You will only hear about imperialism when talking about canada or britain. People arrive and still swear by theyre country and support it all the way. Anything the mother country says- it's followed by the people even if they aren't living in the country.