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Cuban Independance from Spanish Empire

  • Ten Year War/ Great War

    Ten Year War/ Great War
    The Started when a sugar mill owner Carlos Manuel de Cespedes and fis follower proclaimed Cuba's independance from the Spansish Empire. It was the first of three major liberation wars that Cuba fought against Spain.
  • Period: to

    Cuba from Spanish Rule to Independence

    Cuba's histroy form Spanish Rule to being independant
  • End of Ten Year War

    The War ended on Febuary 10 1878 when the Cuban government accepted peace terms with Spain.
  • Little War

    Little War
    The little war was organized by veterans of the Year War, they were stationed in New York and led by Calixto Garcia. During the war the rebels had gained few victories but ended in 1880
  • End of Little War

    The little war ended when the Spanish forces had defeated the rebels.
  • Cuban War of Independance

    The Cuban War of Independance was started by Jose Marti. It was the last of three wars that ended Spanish rule of Cuba
  • Cuban Autonomy

    Cuban autonomy began on January first 1988 with Praxedes Sagasta as an open advocate for Cuban autonomy.
  • End of War for Cuban Independence

    The Cubans were greatly out numbered five to one, but they used smart tactics to distrort their Spanish foes. On the tenth of December the war ended when the American army intervined and defeated the Spanish, claiming all the glory to themselves when the Cubans had sacificed so much.
  • Cuba gains Independence

    Cuba gains Independence
    Om the 20th of May, Cuba gained its independence from the USMG (United States Military Government) after being under their rule since July 17th 1898.