Comunità ebraiche in calabria

  • 100

    Jews in Reggio Calabria

    Jews in Reggio Calabria
    According to Flavio the first Jewish community who settled permanently in the city dates back to the time when Aschenez founded it.
    According to another hypothesis, the most conspicuous number of Jews in the city took place around the year 70 AD quandoTito crushed the rebellion of Jerusalem, destroyed the city and its temple. The survivors of the massacre abandoned their lands to take refuge in every part of the known world. According to Strabo, however, this represented an influx of Jews who su
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Testimonies Jewish communities in the city

    Testimonies Jewish communities in the city
    Before the eleventh century AD, the presence of Jewish communities in the city is evidenced only by the discovery of inscriptions in Hebrew, Latin and greek that mention some names of characters from the East (Syrians, Israelis, Rhodian, Samaritans).
  • Jan 2, 1000

    Testimonies Jewish communities in the city

    Testimonies Jewish communities in the city
    With the coming of the Normans there are numerous explicit documents that demonstrate the presence of Jewish communities in the city allocated in the district of Giudecca. In these documents, you can also learn about their business and their legal and social position.
  • Jan 1, 1127

    More detailed documentation on 'ancient Giudecca

    More detailed documentation on 'ancient Giudecca
    The documentation becomes more consistent, clear and detailed is analyzed if the time interval between 1127 and 1511. In fact, from the documentation it possible to deduce also the place where the ancient Giudecca, just beyond the old walls that surrounded the old city limits, and the episodes that contributed to their expulsion from the city.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    The history of the Giudecca

    The term was identified Giudecca the old Jewish quarter of the city of Reggio Calabria.La city , located at the center of trade that took place in the Mediterranean, polarized the attention of Asian populations and among them , those of Jewish , known as always for their skills in the commercial sector .The ancient Giudecca stood near and outside the city walls , north of the ancient city , where he now insists the area between Via Biagio Camagna ilcorso Garibaldi and Via Fata Morgana.
  • Jan 2, 1400

    The history of the Giudecca

    Testimony says that the neighborhood was the site of a synagogue and a Jewish school . La Giudecca , being outside the city walls , was connected with the mainland through the "Gateway Anzana ." The expansion of the district has been slow over time even if , in certain historical periods, has experienced a booming construction industry and population . As early as the fifteenth century. Jews costitituivano a corporation with laws and legal systems from those distinctive sections of Christians.
  • Jan 3, 1400

    The history of the Giudecca

    To differentiate themselves from the Christians were forced by provision of Frederick II, to wear special costumes , conversely could continue to maintain their own traditions such as the observance of the Sabbath and the celebration of Easter.
  • Jan 1, 1475


    Came to light in a workshop in Reggio Calabria in 1475, at exactly twenty years from that printed by Gutenberg. A precious rarities preserved at the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma.