Amp como afrontar y superar la crisis del covid 19 desde la industria (3)

Comparison of positives and negatives things about studying before and after Covid

By l829
  • Level of attention

    Level of attention
    The level of attention we pay is not as high as in school. Now, we get distracted very easily.
  • Food

    The amount of food we can eat at school is not as high as at home.
  • Clothes

    The clothes that we must wear to school (uniform) are not as comfortable as the ones we wear at home.
  • Sharing with our friends

    Sharing with our friends
    Sharing with our friends from home is not as easy as we did at school.
  • Autonomy

    We need to study at home on our own as much as we can, and this is difficult.
  • Endeavor

    We strive to learn as much at home as we do from school
  • Free time

    Free time
    We try to have as much free time at home as before, after leaving school.
  • Space in classrooms

    Space in classrooms
    There were as many as 45 people crowded into the Classroom. While now at home, that does not happen.
  • Disease

    This year the disease is as bad as it was last year, which forces us to continue from home.
  • Money

    We could try to save as much money at school as we save by studying at home