Colonial american flag

Colonial America Ideals, 1600-1755

  • Education

    Education in colonies began. This is still around and everybody tries to get an education to get a good job. Many people back then didn't know how to read and right but learned.
  • English people

    English people
    English people won political liberties. It is freedom from discrimination, this helps us today because people don't get hurt from what we believe in today. Also people don't think of people differently because of this.
  • First College

    First College
    The first College was built, Harvard College. We still have colleges today but many more.
  • Law passed

    Law passed
    Massachusetts Puritans passed public education law. Soon people began to go to colleges to learn to read and write. They passed this law so it helps the children get education of how to read and understand their religion and the laws of our country. Also the parents and masters were responsible for their children's ability to read and write. Today we go to college to get an education to have a good career.
  • Period: to


    The law called Navigation Acts directed the flow of goals between England and Colonies. Today we have laws about what we can't do so people don't get hurt or do things that aren't going to help our society.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights was signed. This states that we have rights to protect freedoms of religion, speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association. Today we still have the freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    George Whitefield helped spread a religious revival. Because he helped spread the Chrisitianity, it helps us today because people go to church and worship God. Some people maybe wouldn't think of it like he did and help get others to think like them and what they believe. This is known as the "Great Awakening"
  • New England

    New England
    New England had a very high level of literacy. 85 percent of men and 50 percent of women could read. Today everybody can read that goes to school. This is one reason why we go to school, to learn how to read and become better at it.
  • Colonies

    Three types of colonies in America
  • Royal Colonies

    Royal Colonies
    Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolnia, South Carolina, and Virginia became royal colonies. 8 out of the 13 became Royal Colonies. Today they are not royal colonies, they are states.