Cognitive and Ethical Development During College

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    Just entering - Freshman

    This is the stage of Dualism. This is when most believe that authorities have "perfect" answers, or truths, that we can acquire if we study hard. But then we start wondering about this because good authorities admit they don't have all the answers and different authorities view things differently.
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    Sophmore & Junior Years for Many

    This is a stage termed Relativism when we realize there are different theories and it's up to us to interpret them. We interpret using data to support our opinions. So, for example, if I believe in abortion I can look at research that is pro-abortion but I also know other people are against abortion. So everything is relative, or all ideas are acceptable...yet this is a problem too because I start wondering if there are any right choices at all. Relativism can keep you stuck in uncertainty
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    Junior - Senior Years; Finishing 4 years of college

    This is the stage of Commitments in Relativism where you get out of that nihlistic uncertainty. You're able to be committed to opinions and actions, accepting some and rejecting others. You realize there are different viewpoints and some are contradictory and some questions don't have answers. Yet you can keep learning and asserting your own deepest values, while being open to change and new information. You also realize this is a lifelong process and strive for wisdom and balance.