Chinese History Timeline

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    Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion was a civil war in southern China. Hong Xiuquan led the movemet believeing that he was the Jesus's younger brother. 20million people died in this civil war.
  • Wuchang Uprising

    Wuchang Uprising
    The Wuchang Uprising ended the Qing Dynasty. The Wuchang Uprising started the Xinhai Revolution which established the Republic of China. The uprising started by accient, Russian concession had been building bombs and one exploded, leading to a police investingation that led to the uprising.
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    Chinese Nationalists move Capital to Taiwan

    Chinese Nationalist moved to Taiwan to establish a new capital. Chiang Kai-shek was the Nationalist leader. He went to Tawian which began the "two Chinas'. They left the mainland that was under communtist rule
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    Northern Expedition

    Kuomintang wanted to take rule of China. He created a strategy called The Northern Expedition. If the strategy worked he was going to end the Beiyang government. He was successful and toke rule over China
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    Mukden Incident

    The Mukden Incident was no accident. The Japanese set off a small explosion so that they could invade Mukden. The Japanese tried to blame the explosion on the Chinese but it didn't work. The Japanese were banned from the League of Nations for the "incident".
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    Long March

    The Long march was a military retreat. The Red army, led by Mao Zedog, ambushed the Chinese Nationalist Party Army by invading where they were to try and take over/ defeat the army.
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    Second Sino-Japanese War

    This war was fought between the Republic of China and The Japanese Empire. The Germans, Russia, and the US helped the Chinese fight the Japanese. This was the largest asian war in the 20th century which eventually led to World War II.
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    Nanking Massacre

    The Japanese went into Nanking to attempt to take over. They tried to create fear in other cities by massacring and raping the citizen of Nanking.They would behead the citizen mostly.The massacre lasted for 6 weeks.
  • Founding Date of the Republic of China

    The Republic of China was established on October 1, 1949. The People's Republic of China overttook the Qing Dynasty. They took over China and Taiwan. Their first president was Sun Yat Sen. The Rebulic was eventually taken over by the communist party which remains incontrol today.
  • Founding of People's Republic of China

    Founding of People's Republic of China
    The People's Republic of China overttook the Qing Dynasty. They took over China and Taiwan. Their first president was Sun Yat Sen. The Rebulic was eventually taken over by the communist party which remains incontrol today.
  • Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet

    This agreement was established in 1951. Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet is a document which delegated of the 14th Dalai Lama. The PRC formed this document affirming Chinese sovereignty over Tibet
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    Great Leap Forward

    This was a plan attempting to make industry and agriculture important in China. They would have to inforce agirculture and industy together for the 5 year plan to work properly.
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    Cultural Revolution

    Mao Zedong led a political movement known a the cultural revolution. Mao wanted to promote communism in China. The movement was both positive and negative. The movement ended in 1976
  • The May 16 Notification

    On May 16, 1966 Moa Zedong's government lanuched The Great Cultural Revoluion. This warned against rervisionist like thinking.This led to mass rallies and protests.
  • People's Republic of China admitted to UN

    The Republic of China joined the UN in 1945. Mao Zedong declared the PRC. The United Starts and other countries suggested that PRC should be admissioned to the UN. China was removed from the UN on Oct 25,1971.
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    Nixon visits China

    President Nixon visited China in 1976. This visit was suppose to build the relationship between the US and China. This visit help with the problems that were going on with the cold war. They discussed all offical matter pertaining to China.
  • Gang of Four arrested

    Gang of Four arrested
    Four people, Jiang Qing, Zhag Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen were charged with a series of crimes. They controlled important people in the Communist Party of China . Their downfall was on Oct 6, 1976.
  • One Child Policy Instituted

    One Child Policy Instituted
    The one child policy was inforce when the government decided that they needed to do something about China large population. The policy only allows a family to have one child. The population is still growing but the population growth isnt growing as fast as it use to.
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    Tiananmen Square protests

    When China's ruler passed away the students of China wanted a democratict government. They began protesting in Tiananmen square, goin on hunger striks and things of that nature. It was a peaceful protest until the government decided to open fire on the protestor to force them to leave Tiananmen Squar.
  • Building of the Three Gorges Dam

    The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam. This is the worlds largest power station. The dam is in Yiling District, Yichang, and Hubei province. Its purpose id power, flood contol, and navigation.
  • Hong Kong Returned to China

    Hong Kong Returned to China
    Hong Kong was ruled by the British for many years. The UK released Hong Kong and gave the city back to China on July 1,1997. Hong Kong still remains under the rule of China today.
  • Macau returned to China

    Macau returned to China
    The Portuguese ruled Macau from 1535-1999. Macau was traded back to the Republic of China on December 20, 1999. Macau was established during the Qin Dynasty.
  • Hainan Island incident

    Hainan Island incident
    This was a mid-air collision. The collisionn occured with a United Stats Navy aircraft and a People's Liberation Army Navy jet. This resulted in a dispute between the United Stated and People's Liberation.