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Chelsea Cooper's Life

  • Born

    I was born in Georgetown, South Carolina!
  • First Step

  • Daddy died

    Today my daddy was in a car accident and passed away. I was 2 years old.
  • Mother Left

    My mother realized that she could not handle having a baby at 18 and just lossing her boyfriend so I was given to my fathers mother and she raised me.
  • First Word

    My first work was daddy.
  • First hair cut

  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
  • Little sister was born

    Little sister was born
    Lauryn was her name! I was so excited when I was told I had a little sister but a few months later I realized that Lauryn actually had her biological mother and it made a resent her for a little while but it was just jealousy.
  • First day of Middle School

    First day of Middle School
  • First Boyfirend

    My first boyfiends name was Wacey. He was Hawian. I was so thrillled I ran home that day to tell my grandma and we went on our first date to the movies with my grandma and my aunt.
  • Mimi died

    Today my grandmother died, the one that raised me. She had been fighting cancer for 5 years. This impacted my life a lot. I lost everything the day my grandma died. Not only did i have nowhere to go but she was my world and I was never going to see her again so this impacted the way I looked at people and I started to not let people very close to me because I was scared of loosing them.
  • First day of High School

    First day of High School
  • Met Mom number 1

    Met Mom number 1
    Today I met Carla, I didn't realize but soon I would be adopted by her!
  • Met mom number 2

    Met mom number 2
    Today I met FK, I didn't know but soon she would be my mom number 2!!
  • Adoption Day

    Today I was adopted by my moms, although this was not a legal adoption. They took me in and became my gardians. This was the best day ever! I was so excited to move in with my moms, I finally felt like I was wanted again and loved. They were the first people I let close to me since my grandma.
  • First Feild Experience

    Today I started my first feild experience. I worked at my high school with the special needs classroom and I loved it! It helped me have a better understanding of what kind of work I would be doing if I choose special education and now I have choosen that major and I am glad I had this oppurtunity!
  • Graduation

    Graduated from Georgetown High School with a class of 188 and I ranked 12th.
  • Allisons Death

    Allisons Death
    I lost my best friend today. This really impacted my life, I have only had two major losses in my life and this is one of them. I lived with Allison all through high school. Allison was the one person that I relied on besides my moms, after her death it really shook me and I started to draw away from people again and not want to be close to anyone.
  • Off to College

    Off to College
    I moved to Columbia and started my freshman year of College at, Columbia College!!
  • Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia
  • Adopted my first puppy!

    Adopted my first puppy!
    I named him Bentley!
  • Decided on a Major!

    Decided on  a Major!
    It took a long time but I finally decided to be a Special Education Teacher!!
  • Adopted our puppy Preston!

    Adopted our puppy Preston!