Charles I of Spain

By Enit
  • Feb 24, 1500

    Charles I was born

    Charles I was born
    This was born in Ghent (Flanders)
  • Jan 23, 1516

    Charles I grandfather died

    Charles I grandfather died
    When Fernado el Católico died, according to his will, his grandson Carlos I under the regency of Cardinal Jiménez de Cisneros had to take charge of the government of said Crowns, until he came from Flanders.
  • Period: Mar 14, 1516 to Jan 16, 1556

    Reign of Charles I

  • Mar 14, 1517

    Charles I is proclaimed at the Court of Brussels

    Charles I is proclaimed at the Court of Brussels
    Once appointed, he associated his former teacher Adriano with the Cisneros regency and sent him to Spain.
  • Sep 17, 1517

    Visit of Carlos I to his mother

    Visit of Carlos I to his mother
    After being appointed a member of the Court of Brussels, he moved to Asturias, and later went to Tordesillas to visit his mother.
  • 1520

    Carlos V becomes the most powerful monarch in Europe.

    Carlos V becomes the most powerful monarch in Europe.
    Thanks to a series of dynastic alliances and premature deaths, he turned a twenty-year-old named Charles V into the most powerful monarch in Europe.
  • Apr 23, 1521

    The defeat of the commoners

    The defeat of the commoners
    After the uprising of the communities, the comuneros, led by Padilla, Bravo and Maldonado, were defeated in Villalar by the royalist forces in favor of King Carlos I of Spain, led by Íñigo Fernández de Velasco and Mendozar.
  • Mar 19, 1526

    Carlos marries Isabel from Portugal

    Carlos marries Isabel from Portugal
    Carlos married Isabel of Portugal. With whom he has 5 children: Felipe II of Spain, Juan of Austria, Margarita of Parma, Maria of Austria and Portugal and Juana of Austria. Of which only Felipe, María and Juana reached adulthood.
  • May 2, 1526

    The Cognac League is created

    The Cognac League is created
    It was an alliance between the Papacy, France, Milan, Venice and Florence that was in force until 1529. Against this alliance Charles V fought in the sack of Rome.
  • May 6, 1527

    The sack of Rome

    The sack of Rome
    This battle was an important victory for the imperial army of Charles I in the framework of the confrontations between his Holy Roman Empire and the so-called League of Cognac. Soon the imperial troops achieved victories over the French army and established their control over northern Italy.
  • Feb 24, 1530

    Charles I is crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

    Charles I is crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
    Precisely on his birthday, in the Italian city of Bologna. Carlos was crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by the Pope of Rome Clement VII.
  • May 1, 1539

    Carlos's wife, Isabel de Portugal, dies

    Carlos's wife, Isabel de Portugal, dies
    Isabel dies from pneumonia in Toledo.
  • Jan 15, 1540

    Battle of Girolata

    Battle of Girolata
    The Battle of Girolata was a naval combat that pitted a Hispano-Genoese fleet against another Ottoman in the Gulf of Girolata, located on the west coast of the island of Corsica. The confrontation took place to dispute for the control of the Mediterranean Sea between the emperor Carlos V and the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. In this battle the fleet of Carlos V. was victorious.
  • Oct 11, 1540

    Carlos converts his son Felipe Duke of Milan

    Carlos converts his son Felipe Duke of Milan
    Felipe was named Duke of Milan. The ceremony was secret and prince electors were not consulted to avoid international problems. This may not have anything to do with Carlos, but in reality it does, since at first he thought of appointing himself a duke, but this could be considered a casus belli in France, and furthermore, it would damage his image as a liberator. So he granted the title to Felipe.
  • Apr 24, 1547

    The Battle of Mülberg

    The Battle of Mülberg
    This was a battle that took place in Mühlberg between the troops of Carlos I of Spain and V of the Holy Roman Empire and those of the Schmalkalden League, with the triumph of those of Carlos I of Spain. It came about because the Lutheran Reformation was creating a split not only religious, but also political within the Holy Roman Empire and they challenged Charles V. He met with his brother and joined the League.
  • Sep 18, 1554

    Signature of the Treaty of Crépy.

    Signature of the Treaty of Crépy.
    It was signed between Francisco I of France and Carlos I of Spain (and emperor of the Holy Roman Empire), it marked the departure of Carlos from the Italian war of 1542-1546. Peace would be short-lived, since in 1551 hostilities would break out again between the two signatory powers.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The Peace of Augsburg, also called "Peace of religions", was a deal signed by Ferdinand I of Habsburg, brother and representative of Emperor Charles V, and the forces of the Schmalkalden League in the city of Augsburg in Germany, by the which resolved the religious conflict of the Protestant reform.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Carlos V abdicates

    Carlos V abdicates
    Emperor Charles retires to the monastery of Yuste, renouncing to all of his titles (except those associated with German territories) in favor of his son Felipe, who became, in particular, King Felipe II of Spain.
  • Mar 12, 1558

    Carlos gives the Holy Empire to his brother Fernando I

    Carlos gives the Holy Empire to his brother Fernando I
    Once Charles retires, he gives the Holy Empire to his brother Ferdinand I and on the date that it was set, he was crowned Holy Roman Emperor.
  • Sep 21, 1558

    Death of Charles V

    Death of Charles V
    Carlos dies in the Monastery of San Jerónimo de Yuste, which is near Cáceres. He died of malaria.