chapter 20 world history

  • Mar 4, 1394

    Prince Henry of Portugal is Born

    Prince Henry of Portugal is Born
    Portuguese royal prince, soldier, and patron of explorers.Prince Henry helped begin the Great Age of Discovery that lasted from the 1400's to the early 1500's.
  • Jul 17, 1402

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor
    Born Zhu Di, originally created as Prince of Yan. He called his era as the time of "Perpetual Happiness".
  • Jul 11, 1405

    Zheng He captains his first voyage

    Zheng He captains his first voyage
    The ships of Zheng's armada were as astonishing as its reach. Hundreds of smaller cargo, war, and supply ships bore tens of thousands of men who brought China to a wider world.
  • Dec 23, 1408

    Donatello creats his David statue

    Donatello creats his David statue
    It was the first freestanding nude male statue ever made.It was made from bronze.
  • Dec 22, 1440

    Johan Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press

    Johan Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press
    The printing press helped speed things up. More people got books and paper.
  • Apr 22, 1451

    Ferdinand & Isabella end war with Muslims

    Ferdinand & Isabella end war with Muslims
    After a struggle to claim her right to the throne, she reorganized the governmental system, brought the crime rate to the lowest it had been in years, and unburdened the kingdom of the enormous debt her brother had left behind.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to the Turks
    The Fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Byzantine Empire, an empire which had lasted for over 1,100 years.Some mark the end of the Middle Ages by the fall of the city and empire.
  • Oct 19, 1453

    The Hunderd Years' War Ends

    The Hunderd Years' War Ends
    The war was between England and France.The French won the war.
  • Mar 9, 1454

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast
    As a boy Vespucci was given a humanistic education by his uncle Giorgio Antonio.Later Vespucci was to collaborate, still with Berardi, in the preparation of a ship for Columbus’s second expedition and of others for his third.
  • Dec 23, 1469

    Machiavelli writes The Prince

    Machiavelli writes The Prince
    it was published 5 years after his death in 1532.Machiavelli was educated by the humanist ideals.
  • Oct 10, 1487

    B.Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope

    B.Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope
    A major maritime victory for Portugal, Dias’ breakthrough opened the door to increased trade with India and other Asian powers.Dias’ ships rounded the perilous Cape of Good Hope and then sailed around Africa’s southernmost point, Cabo das Agulhas.
  • Mar 31, 1491

    Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement

    Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement
    He studied astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and the sciences.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    C. Columbus spots land in North America

    C. Columbus spots land in North America
    The land he found Columbus named the island San Salvador, although he remarked in his journal that the natives referred to it as Guanahani.turned out to be a small island in the present-day Bahamas.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Spain & Portugal

    Spain & Portugal
    The constitution of 1876 adopts for the first time the name "Spain" for the Spanish nation and from then on the kings would use the title of "king of Spain".Spain and Portugal usually found themselves on opposite sides.
  • Dec 22, 1503

    Leonardo Da Vinci starts the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo Da Vinci starts the Mona Lisa
    No one knows who the woman is. The painting is famous for her simile.
  • Dec 22, 1508

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    It has nine scenes from the book of Genesis. The center is hands of God and Adam.
  • Dec 23, 1510

    Raphael paints Schoolof Athens

    Raphael paints Schoolof Athens
    Refers to a famous fresco painted by Raphael in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. It is one of a series of four frescoes painted by Raphael representing branches of knowledge.
  • Oct 31, 1517


    Posted 95 Thesis or Wittenberg church. He started the Protestant Reformation.
  • Dec 23, 1524

    Vasco da Gama lands in India

    Vasco da Gama lands in India
    His success in doing so proved to be one of the more instrumental moments in the history of navigation.When he was old enough, young Vasco da Gama joined the navy, where was taught how to navigate.
  • Mar 4, 1533

    21 Ivan the Terrible becomes ruler of Russia

    21 Ivan the Terrible becomes ruler of Russia
    He became ruler when he was three. He gave Russia a code of laws.
  • Jul 26, 1533

    F. Pizzaro meets atahualpa

    was the last inca emporer
  • May 19, 1536

    Anna Boleyn is executed

    Anna Boleyn is executed
    Wife of Henry Vlll who had her executed. That allows Henry to mary Jane Seymore.
  • Oct 12, 1537

    Edward VI is born

    Edward VI is born
    Hes the only son of Henry the eightth. He solidified the anglican church.
  • Apr 19, 1541

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order
    He started the order of priests. Refoucses church on Education.
  • Dec 2, 1547

    H. Cortez lands on mexican coast

    H. Cortez lands on mexican coast
    bought large portions of mainland mexico
  • Jul 22, 1553

    Mary I becomes Queen

    Mary I becomes Queen
    She was known as Bloody Mary. She was a Catholic Queen
  • Mar 5, 1556

    21 Philip ll became King of Spain

    21 Philip ll became King of Spain
    Ruled Spain, Spanish Netherlands, and the American Colonies. He gained wealth by taxing gold & silver.
  • Sep 1, 1557

    jacques cartier claims land in canada

    claimed canada for france
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen
    Shes the only Anglican daughter of Henry the VIII. She started the Elizabethan Age.
  • Mar 5, 1572

    21 St.Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    21 St.Bartholomew's Day Massacre
    Six week nationwide slaughter of Huguenots which started in Paris.
  • Mar 5, 1579

    21 William of Orange led the overthrow of the Spanish in the Netherlands

    21 William of Orange led the overthrow of the Spanish in the Netherlands
    The Dutch opened the flood gates at Leiden to drive out the spanish.
  • 21 Henry of Navarre becomes King

    21 Henry of Navarre becomes King
    He was a desendant of Louis ix. He inherited the throne to France after Catherine.
  • Period: to

    chapter 21

  • English East Indian Company is founded

    English East Indian Company is founded
    An English joint-stock company. Was known for 1/2 of the worlds trade.
  • Dutch East India Company is founded

    Dutch East India Company is founded
    A trading company founded by Dutch. Formed to protect their trade in the Indian Ocean and to assist in their efforts to be free from Spain.
  • 21 James becomes King of England

    21 James becomes King of England
    He was a Caloinist. He offended Parliament.
  • 21 Don Quixote de la Mancha was written

    21 Don Quixote de la Mancha was written
    This was the birth of the modern European novel.
  • henery hudson is last seen

    lost in the hudson bay
  • William Shakespeare Dies

    William Shakespeare Dies
    He was from England.He was a famuos playright.
  • 21 The Thirty Years War

    21 The Thirty Years War
    a conflict over religion, over territory, and for power among European ruling families.
  • 21 Hapsburg Defeats

    21 Hapsburg Defeats
    The Hapsburgs were driven out of Northern Germany.
  • Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Discourse on Method

  • 21 Louis xiv became of france

    21 Louis xiv became of france
    The true ruler of France was Cardinal Mazarin. He ended the Thirty Years War.
  • Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Discourse on Method

    Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Discourse on Method
    His most significant philosophical position was connected with the mind-body dichotomy.
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes
    He was an English philosopher known for his work on political philosophy. His 1651 book Leviathan established the foundation for most of Western political philosophy
  • 21 Charles ll becomes king of England

    21 Charles ll becomes king of England
    Restored the monarchy which was called the Restoration. During his relign Parliament passed habeas corpus.
  • new netherlands becomes new york

    new netherlands becomes new york
    modern day new york
  • la salle claim mississippi river for spain

    la salle claim mississippi river for spain
    was land never explored
  • 21 Peter the Great

    21 Peter the Great
    He had the mind of a genius, the body of a giant, and the temper of a bear. He was the sole ruler of Russia.
  • 21 English Bill of Rights

    21 English Bill of Rights
    No suspending Parliament laws. No interfering with freedom of speech in Parliament.
  • 21 Peter visits the West

    21 Peter visits the West
    Peters goal was to learn about European customs and industrial techniques. He was 24 years old.
  • Gabriel Fahreneit

    Gabriel Fahreneit
    Nearly a century had passed since the construction of the first primitive thermometers, and although many of the basic problems of thermometry had been solved, no standard thermometric scale had been developed that would allow scientists in different locations to compare temperatures.
  • John Locke

    He was the first person to explain the self through a continuity of consciousness. He proposed that the mind was a blank slate or tabula rasa.
  • Voltaire is exiled to England

    Voltaire is exiled to England
    the publication of Voltaire's Letters on the English Nation angered the French church and government, forcing the writer to flee to Lorraine.
  • Anders Celsius

    Anders Celsius
    He is considered to be the first astronomer to analyze the changes of the earth’s magnetic field at the time of a northern light and assess the brightness of stars with measuring tools.
  • 21 The Seven Years War

    21 The Seven Years War
    it was fought in West Indies and North America. It was between France and England.
  • Seven Years' War begins

    Seven Years' War begins
    The last major conflict before the French Revolution. It was called French and Indian war in America.
  • Cesare Baccaria

    Cesare Baccaria
    Because Beccaria’s ideas were critical of the legal system in place at the time, and were therefore likely to stir controversy, he chose to publish the essay anonymously -- for fear of government backlash.
  • George lll becomes the King

    George lll becomes the King
    George appointed Lord North as prime minster.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed

    Drafted by Thomas Jefferson between June 11 and June 28, 1776, the Declaration of Independence is at once the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty and Jefferson's most enduring monument.
  • Lord Cornwellis surreders at Yorktown

    Cornwallis had driven General George Washington’s Patriot forces out of New Jersey in 1776, and led his Recoats in victory over General Horatio Gates and the Patriots at Camden, South Carolina, in 1780.
  • first slave revolts in hispaniola

    first slave revolts in hispaniola
    abolish of slavery starts republic of hati
  • Catherine the Great

    a number of rebellions by serfs occurred during this time period, but the end result was further restrictions on the rights of the serfs and a more diminished status.
  • Beethoven Dies

    Beethoven Dies
    There have been all sorts of theories like alcohol poisoning, lead poisoning, syphilis, and hepatitis.