Chapter 17

  • Oct 7, 1519


    Charles V, ruled a larger empire from 1519- 1559
  • Oct 7, 1556


    Hapsburg empire divided, philip II begins rule of spain
  • Aug 24, 1572


    Huguenot and Catholic nobles gathered to celbrate a royal wedding, violence erupted that led to the massacre of 3,000 Huguenots.
  • Oct 7, 1580


    Philip saw England's queen Elizabeth I as his chief Protestant Enemy.
  • Spain

    The Spanish Armada: Philip sent a fleet of 130 massive Spanish warships armed with 3,000 cannons to crush England, but poor weather and Sir Francis Drake's smaller faster ships destroyed the Spainish Aramada.
  • France 1560-1590

    Religious wars between Hugnuenots and the catholic Majority tore france apart.
  • Prussia

    the Hohenzollern family ruled scattered lands across north Germany.
  • Russia

    Brought control of all aspects of Russia under his
    own control, military, church, and government.
  • Austria

    Expanded Hapsburg Empire from Austria to include
    Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, North Italy
  • England

    English CIvil war begins
  • Russia

    Defeated Sweden in 1709, gained new lands
  • Russia

    Russian czar (emperor) from 1689-1725
  • England- France

    Seven years' war begins