Chapter 12 Timeline

  • Suffrage

    During the 1820's more people gained suffrage, the right to vote. All white men over the age of 20 could vote. African Americans and women could still not vote.
  • Election of 1824

    Canidates: John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, and Henry Clay.
    No clear winner. Jefferson won the popular vote, but no canidate won a majority of the votes. Clay lost and he urged people to vote for Adams. This was seen as a corrupt bargain.
    Adams won unfairly which made Jackson mad.
  • Election of 1828

    Canadates: Andrew Jackson and John Adams
    No one liked Adams as president so it was going to be hard for him to get reelected. Andrew Jackson won easily. Many people voted for him because he represented the common person.
  • Period: to

    Jacksonian Era

  • Inaguration of Andrew Jackson

    Many people from all over the US came to Jackson's inaguration in Washington
  • Jackson Dissmisses

    Soon after becoming president Jackson fired 200 government officials and replaced them with democrats. Poeple said that he was rewarding his supporters unfairly.
  • National Bank needed to be rechartered by 1836

    Clay and Webster thought that Andrew Jackson would try to destroy the bank so they thought of a way to save the bank and defeat Jackson at the same time. They persuaded Biddle to let them renew early. When jackson heard that the charter was renewed he got very angry and vetoed the bill.
  • New Political Parties Emerge

    Around 1834 the Whigs became a party. They wanted the federal government to spur the economy. Jacksons supporters named themselves the Democrats
  • The Bank Closes

    Because the bank charter was not renewed the national bank closed. Its closing caused an economic crisis.