ch9 time line Devon Hugget

  • puchas of alaska

    will seward aradnged the purchas of alaska from russa
  • queen

    queen liliuokalana became leader of hawaii
  • planters

    amrican planters staged a revalt
  • uss main

    pres mckinly singed uss main to cuba
  • hawaii

    U.S. acquired Hawaii.
  • u.s. troops

    Santiago surrenders to U.S. troops
  • mckinly

    U.S. President McKinley and his Cabinet submitted to Ambassador Cambon a counter-proposal to the Spanish request for ceasefire.
  • peace

    U.S. Secretary of State Day and French Ambassador Cambon, representing Spain, negotiated the Protocol of Peace
  • manila

    Capitulation was signed at Manila and U.S. General Wesley Merritt established a military government in the city, with himself serving as first military governor.
  • peace

    The Spanish Cortes (legislature) ratified the Protocol of Peace.