Ch. 12-14 Timeline

  • 1440

    The Start of the Printing Press

    The Start of the Printing Press
    The printing press became one of the most important inventions because of how efficient it made the production of papers.
  • 1453

    The Start of the Renaissance

    The Start of the Renaissance
    The Renaissance was the start of a new era. This was very important because they were coming out of the dark ages and needed to start fresh.
  • 1492

    Columbus Found North America

    Columbus Found North America
    Columbus led an exploration to try and find a faster trade to Asia.
  • 1496

    King Henry VII signs agreement

     King Henry VII signs agreement
    King Henry VII signs an agreement with John (Giovanni) Cabot to explore the western hemisphere under the flag and authority of England.
  • 1507

    Martin Luther creates his own faith

    Martin Luther creates his own faith
    Martin Luther was learning about how the Catholics were charging people to have their sins healed. Luther knew this went against everything that the Church stood for.
  • 1531

    The English Reformation

    The English Reformation
    Henry VIII wanted to get a divorce from his wife so he could bear children with a younger widowed woman. The Pope declined the divorce and hence made Henry mad.
  • 1540

    Calvinism is formed

    Calvinism is formed
    Jean Calvin was exiled for not hating protestant people. He liked what Luther was doing, so he started his own division.
  • 1540

    The Jesuits

    The Jesuits
    The Jesuits were founded by Ignatius of Loyola, a kind of Catholic counterpart to Luther or Calvin, in 1540. The Jesuits are the guards of the pope.
  • 1550

    The Catholic Reformation

    The Catholic Reformation
    During the Council of Trent, which met 25 times between the years of 1545-1563, the catholic leaders were trying to figure out what to do. Many Catholics were leaving due to the newly born Lutheranism.
  • 1580

    The Little Ice Age

    The Little Ice Age
    The Little Ice Age was a period of time when the Earth was at its furthest point from the sun. This caused very cold and bad conditions for years.