Central Africa

By gkuhl
  • 100

    Nok culture

    Nok culture
    Durring units one and two the nok culture is on rise. The Nok culture appeared in Nigeria around 1000 BC and vanished under unknown circumstances around 300 AD. Its social system is thought to have been highly advanced
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    Agricultural revolution

    Agricultural revolution
    In 1700 B.C.E the central african agricultural revolution begins. People stay in places for longer periods of time farming and herding.
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    Nok culture established

    Nok culture established
    100-200 BCE show the first signs of nok culture
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    Rise of the Kushite state

    850BCE marks the start of the rise of the Kushite state and the start of bronze and iron working.
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    Roman empire takes over central and northern africa

    In 30BCE the roman empire takes over large parts of africa
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    Bantu migrations

    the Bantu migrations started around 1700BCE. the Bantu migrations was one of the first major events in central African history. The Bantu people brought ideas on agriculture and iron working from north africa down to south africa.
  • Period: 100 to Jan 1, 600

    unit 2

    should be 600BC- 600AD
  • Period: 100 to May 4, 600

    unit 1

    should end on 600 BCE
  • 300

    Tran Saharan trade

    Tran Saharan trade
    The Tran Saharan trade routes from north africa to central africa started to develope around 300B.C.E.
  • 300


    Hellinism is the time between alex the great and the roman empire( alex was greek).
  • 500

    Cristianity comes to central africa

    Cristianity comes to central africa
    In 500CE or the 6th century cristianity comes to central africa through early traderoutes.
  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to Jan 1, 1450

    unit 3

  • May 6, 631

    Central african muslims invade north africa

    In 631 AD the muslims conquered north africa.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Swahili trade cities

    Swahili trade cities
    The Swahili trade cities were coastal trade cities that started with the Bantus. These port cities would eventually be tajen over by the portuguese.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    African gold

    African gold
    gold begins to be mined outside of the Ghana empire.
  • Jan 1, 1230

    Empire of Mali begins

    Empire of Mali begins
    The ancient empire of Ghanga declines and the empire of mali comes into power.
  • Jan 1, 1324

    Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa
    Manca Musa made his significant pilgrimage to mecca in 1324 giveing away gold in the streets eventually leading to the invasion of timbuktu
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    unit 4

  • Jan 1, 1475


    Portugal made several colonies in central africa to export slaves to latin america.
  • Songhay empire

    Songhay empire
    The songhay empire took power with their use of cavalry and fleets of canoes while the Mali empire was in decline songhay took power.
  • Asante empire

    Asante empire
    Osei Tutu defeats Denkyira and establishes the Asante empire.
  • Moroccan army defeats Songhay

    Moroccan army defeats Songhay
    The Songhay empire falls to the Moroccan armies
  • Kongo empire

    Kongo empire
    The Kongo empire began taking prisoners of war from nearby countries and using them as slaves
  • Period: to

    Unit 5

  • Slave ports

    Slave ports
    The Portuguese established trading ports along the Atlantic Ocean, which were used 1mainly for slave trade. The slave raids slowed because of Queen Nzinga when she brought her strong military into power. But even with her in power the Portuguese exported slavres through surrounding states.
  • Kasanje

    In the 17th and 18th centuries Kasanje was a major exporter of slaves and traded slaves with portugal until the poruguese took them and their ports over.
  • Agriculture

    In exchange for slaves america gave central african states ideas on agriculture including maize because of their rich soil and manyu rivers and streams that run through central africa.
  • Leopold's plan

    Leopold's plan
    Leopold gained control in central Africa by returning to britain and asking for support. He guaranteed them many slaves and merchant trade in Africa for their support and allowed other countries to trade ing the congo too.
  • Period: to

    unit 6

    At the start of unit 6 central africa is under french rule throughout time they gain their independence and have major gov. struggles to keep power and ethnic cleansing
  • The Bokassa era begins

    The Bokassa era begins
    Dacko is ousted by the army commander, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, as the country faces bankruptcy
  • Bokassa sentenced to death

    Bokassa sentenced to death for murder and embezzlement, but has his sentence commuted to life imprisonment.
  • political parties are allowed to form

    political parties in central african republc are allowed to form after Bokassa is thrown out of power.
  • Central African president Patasse is ousted

    Rebel leader Francois Bozize seizes Bangui, declares himself president and dissolves parliament and transitional government is set up.
  • Ethnic cleansing in central african republic

    Ethnic cleansing in central african republic
    Muslims are fleeing the central african republic in a christain ethinc cleansing
  • Fishing communities

    Fishing communities for the center of early songhay helping to lead to the modernization of africa.
  • Ghana and Mali empires

    Ghana and Mali empires
    this time marks the start of the African Ghana and mali empires.