
Causes of WWI

By AilemaA
  • German Nationalism

    German Nationalism
    Towards the late 19th century, nationlism in Germay was growing with the help of important figures such as politicians, royals and diplomats who helped spread the idea that their country was superior to all others. This includes the notion that ones own country can do no wrong and labeling enemies as evil and barbaric. These attitudes were a big factor regarding in WWI as many were eager to fight for their just country against their barbaric enemies.
  • Franco-Prussian War (1870 - 1871)

    Franco-Prussian War (1870 - 1871)
    The Franco - Prussian war resulted in German states which were lead by Prussia taking Alsace and Lorraine from France. This then lead to the end of French power and influence and the French Third Republic. French Emperor, Napolean III declared war on Prussia in reaction to the Prussian Chancellor's provoking message. Due to strong nationalism the French thought they could easlily concur Prussia. The annexation caused a need for revenge among the French meaning there was growing animosity.
  • Germany becoming an Empire

    Germany becoming an Empire
    After the Franco-Prussian war the 25 German states become one united German Empire with the help of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. For the first time all states had fought a common enemy; France. Before the only common thing the states all chared was language and Prussia was the strongest state. Germanys growing strength threatened other nations and WWI gave them a chance to keep their power and stop Germany from gaining more.
  • The Scramble For Africa (Imperialism)

    The Scramble For Africa (Imperialism)
    Many European nations fought to have a piece of the African continent. They had hopes of gaining access to it's raw materials though gave no thought to the people aready living there. There was tensions between nations driven by greed for expanding their territories. France and Britians had the most area and Germany, a latecomer felt it had missed out. Britain and France wanted to keep Germany from aquiring more land.
  • The Triple Alliance

    The Triple Alliance
    The Triple Alliance were agreements between Germany, Italy and the Austrian/Hungarian Empire. Italy wanted support against France and Germany and Autstria-Hugary wanted to prevent Italy from siding with Russia. It was renewed many times where empty promises were given and a change was made resulting in Italy and Austro-Hungary not agreeing. When WWI began Italy was sided against Germany and Austro-Hungary. The alliance system was a major cause for WWI as countries declared war based on them.
  • Competition for the Balkans: Russia and Austria - Hungary compete to extend powers in the Balkans. (1900 - 1914)

    Competition for the Balkans: Russia and Austria - Hungary compete to extend powers in the Balkans. (1900 - 1914)
    Russia saw itself as the protector of the Balkans but also supported the slavic nations due to political reasons which were mainly to undermine the Ottoman and Austro-Hungary empires. Austria-Hungary Austria was looking to expand it's empire and gain a larger coast. They were also worried about the rise in slavic nationalism especially in Serbia and Russia, the Balkans ally; a powerful slavic nation. They did not want Russia to gain more power and influence through the slavic nations.
  • Naval Race of Britain and Germany (1906 - 1914)

    Naval Race of Britain and Germany (1906 - 1914)
    The royal navy was vital to Britain as it no only protected areas from invasion but also a crucial factor in trade as Britain relyed on imports. Germany's growing navy was a threat to the nation damaging their relationship another major factor of the outbreak of WWI. An arms race began on who could create a better battleship, Britain overshadowed Germany with it's new battleship called Dreadnought.
  • The Triple Entente

    The Triple Entente
    Britain, France and the Russian Empire became an entente as they were concerned with Germany growing power in Europe. France had hostility with Germany for annexing Lorraine and Alsace. Russia needed allies after its humiliating defeat in the Russo-Jap war; the first time a European nation lost to an Asian country. Russia also had hostility with Austria and its interfernece in the Balkans.
  • Austro - Hungary formally Annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Austro -  Hungary formally Annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Austro-Hungary decided to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina before the Young Turks revolution could regain control. Russian foreign minister Izvolsky agreed to not object though this outraged Serbia who demanded a portion. Russia was pressured to reject the annexation due to animosity towards Austria and because Serbia was its ally. Austro-Hungary threatened to invade Serbia this further pushed the anti -Austrian attitudes and humiliated Russia who could not help its ally, a cause for WWI.
  • Nationalism in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (1912 - 1914)

    Nationalism in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (1912 - 1914)
    Balkan nations such as Serbia viewed Austria Hungary as a evil oppressor and after the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovnia their animosity towards the Empire heightened. During the 1900's many nationalist groups emerged, a significant one was the Black Hand. There were also many Christians in the Balkans who felt opressed by the Muslim Ottoman Empire. The idea of a united slavic country gained popularity as Pan-Slavism grew.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    The Austrian Archduke's death was the major reason for WWI. Gavrilo Princip was part of a group of angered nationalists who believed the annexed terrioties of Bosnia and Herzegovnia should belong to Serbia. This set off a chain reaction where countries blamed eachother. The reason why this broke into WWI was partly due to alliances which involved other countries making into a full scale war instead of an small conflict.
  • The Blank Check

    The Blank Check
    After the assasination of Ferdinand, Austro-Hungary had a reason to invade Serbia though they need clarification that they had Germany's support. Kaiser said Austro-Huhgary would have Germany's full support even if Russia got involved. Germany's involvment meant that the conflict was no longer localised as their support threatened Russia and it's allies.
  • Austria - Hungary's Ultimatum to Serbia

    Austria - Hungary's Ultimatum to Serbia
    Shortly after the assasination, Austri-Hugary sent an ultimation Serbia had to complete, believing Serbia was behind the attack. Many believed that no country could accept the terms though Serbia sent back a response saying that accepted all but one. Either way the answer worked in Austro-Hugary's favor and they had hoped Serbia would reject their 10 demands thus giving them reason to start a war against them. A few days after the response Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia, the start of WWI.
  • Russia declares support for Serbia and Mobolises (28 - 30 July 1914)

    Russia declares support for Serbia and Mobolises (28 - 30 July 1914)
    Russia's mobolisation along Germany's border at the request of France escalated matters from just being between Serbia and Austro-Hungary. This because it threatened countries such as Germany and gave them no choice but to also moboloize their army. Russia sent out a message that they were ready for war and already making military preerations.
  • Declarations of War ( 28 July 1914 - 4 August 1914)

    Declarations of War ( 28 July 1914 - 4 August 1914)
    On July 28th Austria-Hungary delcared war on Serbia which let off a sequence of war declarations. On August 1st Germany and Russia declare war on eachother. On August 3rd France and Germany declare war on eachother. On August 4th Germany declares war on Belgium while the United Kingdom declares war on Germany. There were many other war declarations after this which includes more nations into what was supposed to be a swift and localised war.