Exercise cliparzt

Cardiovascular Work-Out

  • Warm-Up

    Warm-upfor 5 minutes.
    Stretches include arm stretche, calf, front of thights, inner thighsm and torso.
    Each stretch should be about 10 seconds.
    Warm-Ups help to warm up your muscles which helps to prevent tearing
  • Period: to

    Cardiovascular Exercise

  • Warm-Up Part 2

    Warm-Up Part 2
    Do a slight jog for about 5 minutes. Do not push yourself, it is just part of the warm up.
    This part allows your heart rate to increase at a healthy pace.
  • Exercise

    Run on a treadmill or outside at a moderate pace for about 20 minutes.
    Running helps to burn calories and keeps your muscles and body in shape.
  • Cool Down

    Cool Down
    Cool down the same way you warmed up by jogging for 5 to 10 minutes.
    Cool Downs allow your body temperature to decrease and your heart rate to decrease at a healty pace