Cambodia: Rising to Independence

  • Independence From France

    Norodom Sihanouk, the king of Cambodia at that time, had declared independence from France.
  • Official Independence

    Cambodia never got completely independent until November 9,1953.
  • Cambodia and South Vietnam Become Untied

    On August 27, 1963, Cambodia and South Vietnam severed ties.
  • Good Bye America!

    On April 1,1965, Norodom Sihanouk broke apart all relations with the US and allowed North Vietnamese guerrillas to set up bases to help their campaign against the US-helped government in South Vietnam.
  • Bombs Away!

    On March 12, 1969 the USA started a secret bombing campaign against North Vietnamese soldiers that was on Cambodia's land.
  • Vietnam War is coming!

    On June 29, 1969 the Vietnam War went on in Vietnam and around Cambodia.
  • Na Na Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye

    On March 18, 1970 Norodom Sihanouk ends up getting overthrown by Lon Non. He declares that the Khmer Republic needs to send the army to fight the North Vietnamese in Cambodia.
  • Good Bye, Lon Nol

    On April 1, 1975 there were communist guerrillas and they were only a few miles from the capital. So Lon Nol left the country and settled in the United States and he died in the USA in 1985. Khmer Rouge now calls the phrase "Year Zero."
  • Cambodian–Vietnamese War

    On April 30, 1977 the Cambodian–Vietnamese War broke out and it was Cambodia vs. Vietnam. It ended on October 23,1991.
  • No More Relations, Vietnam:(

    On December 31, 1977, Cambodia broke their relations with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • Good Bye Phnom Penh!

    On January 17, 1979, Vietnamese soldiers take over Phnom Penh and establish the People's Republic of Kampuchea. Cambodia's ruling of Khmer Rouge is also over.
  • Welcome, Aboard!

    Hun Sen was elected as Prime Minister of Cambodia in 1985.
  • Wrap It Up

    The last Vietnamese soldier withdrew from Cambodia. Cambodia gain victory!
  • I Always Feel Like... SomeBody's Watching Me

    On March 16, 1992, the United Nations starts keeping an eye on Cambodia. The United Nations is a peacekeeping force...
  • Constitution Gets Ratified and The King Returns

    On September 24, 1993, the constitution of Cambodia gets ratified. King Norodom Sihanouk also returns to to his throne.
  • Pol Pot Dies

    On April 15, 1998 Pol Pot was found in his jungle hideout. At the time he was under house arrest.
  • The Jail's Calling your Name

    On June 22, 2001 the Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) are handed a verdict for their duties in the November 24, 2000 attack.
  • Ban on Thai TV in Cambodia

    On January 28, 2003, Cambodia banned Thai TV programs in Cambodia.
  • Riots In the Cam

    On January 29, 2003, a group of nationalist rioters completely destroyed the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh!
  • Welcome Back!

    Hun Sen ends up getting re-elected in July of 2004.
  • The King's been Abdictated

    On October 14, 2004 the King, Norodom Sihanouk, got abdictated. His son succeeded him!
  • 1st Senate Election

    On January 22, 2006, Cambodia held their first senate election ever.
  • The King is Gone

    On October 15, 2012, the former king of Cambodia died at the age of 89 in Beijing. His name was Norodom Sihanhouk.
  • Opposition Protesters Gunned Down

    On January 3, 2014, there were opposition protesters protesting. The military police had to open fire. The results of the police having to fire shots is that 3 of the people died and 20 people got injured.
  • No More Boycott!

    On August 8, 2014, Cambodian opposition lawmakers ended their 10-month boycott on their parliament.