caleb williams timeline

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    hawaii grants united states exclusive use of pearl harbor, wasnt considered good port, because of shallow waters. but since hawaii gave us pearl harbor the U.S. let hawaii ship sugar into U.S. duty free. site;
  • grover cleveland

    grover cleveland
    born on march 18 1837, died on june 24 1908. in 1892 was elected president for the second time. married frances folsom in 1886 in thewhite house
  • planters overthrow queen liliuokalani

    planters overthrow queen liliuokalani
    on hawiian islands group of planters overthrow queen liliuokalani.
  • william mckinley

    william mckinley
    born january 29,1843 in niles ohio and was assasinated on september 14,1901 he was elected president on march 4, 1885
  • maine destroyed.

    in 1898 the uss maine was blown up, this started great tensionbetween spain and the united states
  • Mckinley assassinated

    On september 6, 1901 president mckinley was assasinated. vice president theodore roosevelt then took his place.
  • Roosevelt is elected

    Roosevelt is elected
    Theodore Roosevelt is elected the 26th president of the United States. Born October, 27 1858. He died on January 6 1919. and was a military leader.
  • william howard taft

    william howard taft
    he was born in cincinnati ohio on september 15,1857. died of a heart attack in march 8,1930.
  • woodrow wilson is elected president.

    woodrow wilson is elected president.
    born december 28 1856, and died feburary 3, 1924. 28th president of the united states. his father was a minister named joseph ruggles wilson.
  • Panama Canal opens

    Panama Canal opens
    the panama canal opened to traffic on august 15, 1914. it allowed ships to travel between Atlantic and Pacific ocean. and symbolized the U.S. as becoming a world power.