byzantine timeline project

By muniir
  • 330

    emperor constantine | founded the byzantine capital

    emperor constantine | founded the byzantine capital
    emperor constantine founded costantinople when the german invaders pounded the roman empire in the west the roman emperor constantine and his successors rebuil the greek city of byzantium and then renamed it after him self --constantinople,the city was located in the shores of the Bosporus.
  • 527

    justinian becomes emperor of the byzantines

    justinian becomes emperor of the byzantines
    justinian | ruled from 527 to 565 he was determined to revive ancient rome by recovering lands that had been overrun by invaders
  • 537

    hagia sophia compeleted

    hagia sophia stands for holy wisdom it used to be a church than became a mosque and today it a museum, it located in istanbul once called constantinople
  • 545

    GENERAL belisarius military campaigns

  • Jan 1, 700

    islamic conquests parts of the byzantine territory

    islamic conquests parts of the byzantine territory
    long time ago a man named muhammed cliamed to have a vision from Gabriel telling that he was to be god's massenger,
    The Islamic Conquests were begun by the Rashidun, the four Rightly Guided Caliph The Byzantium-Muslim Wars were long lasting, as the initial conflict prevailed from 634 - 717. Major conflicts of the wars included the First and Second Arab Sieges of Constantinople the exact location that experienced a Great loss was the byzantines.
  • Jan 1, 1025

    emperor basil || military conquests up to the year of 1025

  • Jan 1, 1054

    Great schism

    in 1054, other controversies provoked a schism ,or split between the eastern and the western christianity, known as the great schism, the byzantine church became known as the Eastern or greek ,orthodox church and the western churvh became known as the catholic church
  • Jan 1, 1095

    emperor alexios | and pope urban ||

  • Jan 1, 1204

    fourth crusade (attack on constantinople) april 1024 the pope innocent ||| called for crusades to fight the muslims during the fourth crusade, the crusaders attacked constantinople instead.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    end of the byzantines

    constantinople was surrounded by Ottoman forces led by the ruler mehmet || the ottoman forces brought connans to attak the city walls the last emperor of byzantine was offered a safe passage but he refused the siege lasted for two months the turks stormed constantinople's broken walls and defeated the byzantines. the ancient city was renamed istanbul.