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Byzantine Empire-Tara

  • 324

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital
    After the death of his father, Emperor Consatantine defeated several of his rivals and claimed the old Byzantium area for the new capital.
  • Period: 530 to 548

    The Military Campaigns of Belisarius

    General Belisarius gained command in 530, and used it to destroy the Vandal Empire and fight against the Ostrogoths. Unfortunately Emperor Justinian became suspicious of Belisarius, thus removing him from significant power. He went about less significant campaigns until his recall in 548.
  • 532

    The Nika Revolts

    The Nika Revolts
    After the political error or not pledging support to a chariot racing team, three rioteer ringleaders were set to be executed. However, two of them escaped and the masses asked leniency for them. When that failed deadly riots broke out at the next race, ending with much of the city on fire.
  • 537

    The Hagia Sophia Was Completed

    The Hagia Sophia Was Completed
    The six year project, the Hagia Sophia was completed. It was built under the order of Justinian I.
  • Period: 630 to 740

    Early Islamic Campaigns into Byzantine Territory

    The Arab-Muslim forces annually invaded the southern states of the Byzantine empire, threatening Constantinople at least twice.
  • Period: 986 to 1018

    Emperor Basil II Invades Bulgaria/the Invasion of Bulgaria

    After conflict between the Bulagarian Empire and the Byzantine Empire, the Byzantines, by command of Emperor Basil, gradually invaded Bulgaria. The tide turned to Byzantine favor around the last 20 years of the conquest when Emperor Basil II took command.
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    Because of language differences between the Greek and Latin languages, the Christian church began to drift in two. It separated into the Roman Calothic church and the Greek Orthodox Church.
  • 1095

    Emperor Alexios I Contacts Pope Urban II

    Emperor Alexios I Contacts Pope Urban II
    In a time of need Alexios I reached out for help from Pope Urban II against the Muslims. Pope Urban delivered an influential speech to all Christians, rousing the first crusade.
  • 1204

    The Fourth Crusade

    The Fourth Crusade
    In an attempt to retake Jerusalem, Pope Innocent III commanded the fourth crusade, but after an interesting mixup Constantinople was the target of the attack. The city was stripped of many of its riches.
  • 1453

    The Fall or Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks

    The Fall or Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks
    Sultán Mehmed II laid siege to Constantinople from both land and sea with an army of Ottoman Turks, putting an end to the Byzantine Empire