
  • Intelectual develpoment 0-3

    Intelectual develpoment 0-3
    They begin to mimic basic sentences. language development, begin to manipulate. They use gestures to ask for something, they understand more than they can say, begin to recognise own name, cries to show distress, begin to enjoy ryhms and music accompanied by action, smiles in response to other's face, cries to show tiredness or hunger and also talk to themselves when playing. They enjoy asking questions, sentences contains four or more words.
  • Emotional and social development 0-3

    Emotional and social development  0-3
    They begin to develop muscles which helps them sit, climb stairs, talk and do a lot of activities that helps them.They play together with other people, scare people, recognise people, manipulating, jealousy, pushing bundaries and personal development, she gets trust in you when you provide her needs so that she sees you as a person who can provide her need. She makes friends from her family or outside.
    They begin to interact and share toys. They learn from self focused to other focuse
  • Physical develpoment 0-3

    Physical develpoment 0-3
    During the first three years of life, humans transition from complete dependence with self- help.The first poo of a baby is called meconium. They have soft bones and development. They can't see, move, eat by themselves, bath themselves. Their heads are bigger until they reach adulthood.
    Motor control develops from the head, moves down through the arms and the trunk and then to the legs and feet. Movements are reflexive in nature such as turning the head to the side when cheek is stroked.
  • Period: to

    John Doe

  • Physical development 4-9 years

    Physical development 4-9 years
    They can walk,throw ball, read, hopping, tie shoes, ride a bike, wash themselves, sing, dance, start conversation, count from backwards climb stairs by themselves , dress themselves and skipp. They use longer and more complex sentences, begin to describe how other people feel, questions become more precise, offer opinions in discussions, have a wider pronounciation and can use them appropriately, understands 13,000 words understands opposite,correctly,understands 20,000- 26,000 words
  • Intelectual development 4-9 years

    Intelectual development 4-9 years
    They develop good vocabulary. they begin to construct sentences and use grammar fairly well, they gain more interest in reading and writing, have sense of past, present and future. They count from backwards and creates arguments in your head. They starts to develop feeling for time, such as how long something takes, they begin to argue with parents when they are asked to do something, likes ryhms and silly sounds. Begin ot have more questions than ever and speaks about 2,000 words.
  • Emotional and social developent 4-9 years

    Emotional and social developent 4-9 years
    They starts school, talks about their feelings, begin to be more indepent and start to develop a sense of self, develop self confidence, unconditional laugh, Is affevtionate towards family and friends, shows concern for people for example rubs back of babies, can eat skillfully with fork and knife, has definite like and dislike, enjoys caring for pets, choses thier own friends, shows sympathy and c omforts friends who are hurt and can carry out simple tasks such as peeling vegetables.
  • physical development 10-18

    physical development 10-18
    BOYS: hair growing in thier armpit and private areas, voice deepens, testes increases, penis enlarges, sperm production(testosterone), wet dreams, spots, body muscle mass increase, facial hair, self concious, sensitive, make comparisons of thier self with peers.
    GIRLS: menstruation begins, develop breast, hair growing in their armpit and private parts, vaginal discharge, braoder hips,spots, body odour, we go through more pain, rapid grow in height, self concious, sensitive and seperate themslves
  • Intellectual development 10-18

    Intellectual development 10-18
    They know they parents know nothing, develop real sesnse of independence, understands his or her sexuality and emerges at graduation as a responsible adult of a member of a society, dedvlop his or her opinion in the society, ability to develop abstraction, ability to analyze and understand a problem in a systematic way. They have the ability to develop hypotheses, ability to develop conceptual thinking, ability to understand ,all possibilities from a certain situation,
  • Emotional and Social development 10-18

    Emotional and Social development 10-18
    likes spending time with his or her friends than family, stretch his wings and make baby steps towards independence, they develop sense of identity, they realises parents are not perfect and often points out their faults, searches for new adults to confide in instead of their parents, they often need a hero or an adult to look up to, they often write their inner thoughts and feelings in a diary, they often turn back to thier family and relised that thier parentscan be thier best friends
  • Physical development 19- 65

    Physical development  19- 65
    Adult in this age range they have to be careful ass there will be lots of changes in their body. They begin to have children, menopause, get married, get a job, wear glasses for reading and writing, ome tend to lose hearing during their late adulthood, adult hair colour change to grey, some lose thier hair.
    goes to university and they lose their flexibility.
  • Intellectual development 19-65

    Intellectual development 19-65
    Lots of intellectual development will increase from low to high if only the individual exercise a lot. May have slower reactions to things, they are more skills than young adults and teenagers when it comes to making complex decisions in life, they will be more wiser,get married, start families, begin to have bigger plans for their future.
  • Emotional and Social development 19-65

    Emotional and Social development 19-65
    young adults establish sexual relationship and partnership, marriage are very important in their life, paid empoyement, struggle to develop confidence to share life with partner, some prefer to live alone but some prefer to have partners, financial problems, learn to cope with emotional situation , start to surround with more problems such as divorce, buying a house
    and deaths, able to handle more responsibilities, might not socialise as much as they were younger.
  • Physical development 65+

    Physical development 65+
    begin to be weak in their joints example unable to stand up, sit down, run and walk, eye sights get worse, hearing problems, teeths falls out, easily get diseases because their immune systems are weak, hard to retain informations, unable to say something properly, starts to lose their memory and position to be in a wheel chair and in hospital or care home need support when sitting, get fed through drips and feel pain in their body and no development.
  • Intellectual development 65+

    Intellectual development 65+
    it is hard to retain or keep things, learn different skills, like doing cross words, likes painting, likes playing musical instruments.
  • Emotional and Social development 65+

    Emotional and Social development 65+
    retire from their work, some feel tired because they are going to die, some have positive attitudes, they feel lonely, they are depress and dies and also have low confidence in their self
  • physical development in final life stage

    physical development in final life stage
    unable to do anything, can't eat by themselves, some do feel pain in their body, need help physically, need support when sitting, and they get fed through drips.
  • emotional and social development in final stage of life

    some feel sad because they are going to die, some have positive attitudes, they feel lonely, they are aggressive and have no one except family and close friends.