Biomed: Milestones in Medicine

By ahuskey
  • 460 BCE


    Birth of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. Greek physician and founder of first university. He based medicine on observation and reasoning rather than superstition. The Hippocratic Oath, that doctors have to take before practicing medicine, is named after him.
  • 910

    Smallpox Discovery

    Smallpox Discovery
    Persian physician Rhazes identifies smallpox and suggests blood as the cause of infectious disease.
  • Microscope invented

    Microscope invented
    Dutch lens grinder Zacharius Jannssen invents the telescope.
  • Smallpox Vaccine

    Smallpox Vaccine
    Edward Jenner develops the process of vaccination for smallpox, the first vaccination for ANY disease.
  • Anesthesia

    Sir Humphry Davy announces the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide.
  • Blood Transfusions

    Blood Transfusions
    James Blundell performs the first successful blood transfusion.
  • Spreading of Malaria Discovered

    Spreading of Malaria Discovered
    Ronald Ross demonstrates that malaria parasites are transmitted via mosquitos.
  • Blood Types Discovered

    Blood Types Discovered
    Karl Landsteiner discovers the existence of different human blood types.
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    Jonas Salk develops a vaccine for poliomyelitis (Polio). It wasn't available until 1955.
  • X-Rays machines

    X-Rays machines
    German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers X-rays.