
By sddbb4

    Born on July 14, 1995. I was the second daughter.
  • First Christmas

    First Christmas
    My first Christmas, i dont know i probably got a teddy bear or something and a lot of gifts but not exactly sure.
  • Graduated pre-k

    Graduated pre-k
    I graduated from some preschool in Butler next to a park.
  • 2nd Trip to Italy

    2nd Trip to Italy
    My first trip was when i was about one so it wasn't important but this one i was about 10. I visted a volcano!
  • Joined Field Hockey league for the first time

    Joined Field Hockey league for the first time
    This is when i started my field hockey career in 5th grade. Now I've been on varsity since freshman year.
  • Graduated 8th Grade

    Graduated 8th Grade
    Graduated from my tight knit Haskell School to Lakeland Regional Highschool.
  • Turned 16

    Turned 16
    I turned 16, I guess its important because I'm 16 then.
  • Niece born- Kara Rose

    Niece born- Kara Rose
    My sister had her first baby. She is absolutely adorable. Now almost a year old and just began walking.
  • Won Field Hockey Passaic County Finals

    Won Field Hockey Passaic County Finals
    LLFH made history, this was the first time field hockey at Lakeland Regional won the Passaic county title.
  • Won Field Hockey Conference Finals

    Won Field Hockey Conference Finals
    LLFH made some more history. We won Conference for the first time since 1981.