The day I became
I was born in Broomfield, Colorado. I was born to Sunny and Mai Vue. -
The day I met my baby sister
http://www.avera.org/marshall/I was
My sister was finally born. She was so cute, then she grew up to be a big brat! -
Getting tubes in my ear
Click Here I had hearing problems, so i needed to get tubes put into my ears. All i remember is falling asleep because of the grape smell. -
A horrible thing
My house I accidently pushed my sister out the window. I gave her a scar on her head. This all happened when my parents were away, and grandma was to watch us. -
A horrible thing 2
Click here My grandma thought I had went missing, meanwhile i was having fun at a friends house. Uncle called the police, i came home to big trouble. ): -
Trip to Florida
Click Here
I was 6 Years old. Going to Disney was the best feeling ever in the world. -
Trip to SD
Click Here Family trip to go site-seeing. A family reunion; visited the badlands, Mt. Rushmore, a cave(don't know the name), an old 80's town. -
Click here for more My first time being in dance and tumbling. I was nervous, but it turned out I was pretty good. Then i quit after 3 years. -
Grandmas Funeral ):
Click Here The saddest day of my life. Losing someone you love, and gre up with. May you rest in peace. -
12th Birthday
Click Here Went bowling with some friends to celebrate my birthday. Played 2 rounds and then went to Applebee's to eat. -
Graduation. Finally a 7th Grader
Click here to see
I'm finally going of to Jr. High. No more going to Elementry, finally considered to be a "teen". -
Click Here Going on a cruise ship for the first time. I had many great memories, made no new friends. Got to see many new places and learn many new things. :) -
Got my first Pedicure
Click Here Went out for Mother's Day. Spent the day with my lovely mother and 2 aunties. Had a great day, then off to Applebee's to have lunch. -
Wild Thing
Click here for more It was my first time riding the wild thing at valleyfair. I was so scared i would fall off, and i would die. I closed my eyes for the first part and enjoyed the rest of the ride.