Arab-Israeli conflict

  • Balfour Declaration

    This decloration announced that a homeland for the jewish people would be created in palestine. Many arabs viewed Zionism, the migration of jews to palestine, as a form of European imperialism.
  • Israel's war for independence

    The five neighboring Arab countries launched an attack on israel but were defeated. As a resullt Jordan, Israel, and egypt siezed and split up the palasenian land.
  • Suez crisis

    Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal and closed it to Israel. France and Israel invaded egypt. The superpowers demanded that they halt their invasion.
  • Six Day War

    Israel defeated its enimies in only six days and acquired the Garza strip and Sinai Peninsula from egypt, the West Bank from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Egypt and Syria launcheda supris attack on israel on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippurband had early success. Israel Kept the Sinai peninsula from from Egypt.