APUSH Chapter 8 Concepts: Variety of American Nationalism

  • John Marshall

    -Fletcher v. Peck
    -marshall held and grant valid contract
    -no repealed corruption involved
    -Dartmouth College v Woodward
    -legislature unconsant violated college's contract
    -placed important restrictions on ability state gvts to control corporations
    -Cohens v. Virginia
    - affirmed constitutionality of federal review of state court decisions
    -McCulloch v. Maryland: confirmed the implied powers congress by upholding the constition US bank
  • Steamship/Fulton's Clemont 1806 revolutionizes transport

    -stimulated agricultural economy
    -west and the south
    -providing easier access to markets
    -reduced cost enabled eastern manufacturers to send finished goods west more easily
  • National Road (1807-1818)

    -construction National Road began 1811 at MD on Otomac
    - 1818: highway wi/ crushed stone surface & massive stone bridges from VA on ohio river
    -PA gave $100,000 to private company to extend Lancaster pike westward to pittsburgh over both roads
    -traffic moved all kinds of vehicles despite high tolls
    -the roads made transportation costs across mountain lower than ever before.
  • Four Reasons for westward expansion after War of 1812

    1) population pressures
    -agricultural lands east were by now largely occupied
    -some of them exhausted
    2) economic pressures
    -south spared plantation system
    -slave labor force limited new settlers
    3) west becoming more attractive to white settlers
    -war helped diminish native american opposition
    4) federal goverment continued policy pushing remaining tribes farther
    - farther west
  • Spread of cotton, plantations, slavery into “Black Belt” of Alabama & Miss.

    -vast prairie w/ a dark, productive soil of rotted limestone
    -first arrivals ordinary farmers
    -then wealthier planters that bought up the cleared land
    -original settlers moved farther west
    -started over again
    -new agricultural economy emerging south
  • Admission of new states: Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama

    -part of westward expansion in the south
    -growth of agricultural economy
    -expansion of slaves, cotton, & white settlers
    mississippi & alabama: black belt
    -increase plantations & developoment of uncultivated land
  • Effects of end of War of 1812 on manufacturing, esp. textile industry

    -textile industry experienced dramatic growth
    -embargo act & war of 1812 =tremendous expansion
    -Boston merchant Francis Cabott Lowell = developed power loom
    -better than its english counterpart 1813
    -established Boston Manufacturing Company, Waltham, MA,
    - founded 1st mill in america carry on processes of spinning & weaving under single roof
  • Second Bank of the United States

    -founded in 1791 except had more capital than predecessor
    -no forbid state banks from issuing currency
    -size & power enabled to dominate state banks
    -compel them to issue only sound notes
    -risk being forced out of business
    -same institution hamilton
  • Tariff Bill 1816

    -limited competition abroad on wide range items
    -cotton cloth objections from agricultural interests
    -pay higher prices for manufactured goods
    -south nationalist dream of creating an important american industrial economy prevailed north
  • Era of Good Feelings: 1816 election of Monroe; 1820 re-elected

    -expansion economy
    -growth white settlement & trade in west
    -creation of new states
    -reflected rising spirit of antionalism
    -permeating the US whichever divisions & agreements existed within american society
    -found little expression nation's political life party competition virtually disappeared
    -james monroe elected twice almost by acclamation
  • Madison’s 1817 veto of Calhoun’s Internal Improvements Bill & why Erie Canal

    -madison called attention congress to great importance
    -established throughout country roads & canals
    -best executed under national authority
    -calhoun introduced bill that would used funds owed the goverment
    -bank of the US finance internal improvements
    -madison supported purpose of bill
    -believed congress lacked authority to fund improvements w/o a constitutional amendment
    -resulted in state gvts & private enterprise
  • 1818 First Seminole War / Andrew Jackson & John Quincy Adam’s roles

    -Andrew Jackson took american troops w/ florida frontier
    -Adopted necessary measures to put stop to continuing raids on american territory by seminole indians
    -adams urged goverment to assume complete responsibilty
    -it showed right under int law to defend itself against threats from acorss its borders
    -jackson's raid demonstrated america could easily take FL by force
    - little choice but to come to terms with them
  • Recommendation of expeditions by Pike & Stephen Long on potential settlement of lands between Missouri R. & Rocky Mts./ its effect

    -Stephen H. Long led soliders up platte & south platte rivers of nebraska & eastern colorado
    -find sources of red river
    -he failed to find the headwaters of red river
    -wrote an influential report
    -assessment of the region's potential for future settlement
    -development echoed dimissive conclusions of zebulon pike 15 years before
  • 1819 Adams-Onis Treaty (Spain cedes FL), especially terms & effect.

    -US gave up claims to TX
    -Spain gave FL & possessions in pacific NW
    -adams and onis concluded transcontinental treaty
    -jackson's raid showed america's power
    -ability to take FL by force
    -Spain didn't give it up to Americans
  • Panic of 1819 (causes, effects, role of Second National Bank of U.S.)

    -new management national bank began tightening credit
    -calling in loans
    -foreclosing mortgages
    -new governors of bank also collected state bank notes
    -demanded payment in cash from banks
    -no meet demand
    -failed bank failures launched financial panic
    -americans blamed US bank
    -prices manufactured goods & agriculture produce fell rapidly
  • Missouri Compromise of 1820

    -Jesse B. Thomas senator illinois
    -proposed amendment prohibiting slavery LA
    -purchase territory north of southern boundary of missouri
    -Maine would admitted as a free state
    -Missouri slave state
    -debate over misouri revealed a strong undercurrent of sectionalism that competing w/ powerful nationalism
  • Role of fur trading companies in West, incl. John Jacob Astor/American Fur Co., Andrew & William Ashley/Rocky Mt. Fur Co; rendezvous

    -andrew and william ashley founded rocky mountains fur company
    -recruited white trappers move permanently into rocky mountains
    -search of furs
    -becoming scarce farther east mts
    -men closely bound up w/ expanding US market economy
    -trappersfirst wedge white movement into lands
    -ultimatey dominate the region & transform it
    -developed important relationships w/ indian &mexican ppl
    -altering the character of society
  • Monroe Doctrine (1823)

    -asserted nationalism foreign policy
    -Monroe established diplomatic relations w/ chile, peru, colombia, and mexico
    - making US 1st country to recognize them
    -doctrine expression of the growing spirit of nationalism in the US
    -expression of concern about forces
    -already gathering to threaten that spirit established idea of american hegemony in western hemisphere
    -US govermens would invoke justify policies in latin america
  • John Marshall continue

    -Gibbons v. Ogden
    -court strengthened congress's power
    -regulate interstate commerce
    marshall replied that commerce broad term embracing navigation
    -buying & selling of goods
    - claimed that the power of congress to regulate such commerce was complete
    -might be exercised to full extent
    -ogden's state granted monopoly void it
    -freed transportation system from restraints
    -states & helped pave way for unfettered capitalist
  • 1824 Election of John Quincy Adams

    -Clay out of running
    -37 supporters house
    -adams, crawford, and jackson all wooed vote
    -crawford was out since he suffering from a disease
    -jackson was clay's most dangerous political rival
    -he wasn't friends with adams
    -adams was an ardent nationalist
    -ikely supporter of Clay's american system
    -House elected him as new president adams
    -announced that clay secretary of state jacksonians
    -corrupt bargain between the two
  • John Quincy Adam’s presidency Continue

    -Georgia’s Indian removal
    -adams believed new treaty
    -william mcintosh had no legal force
    -mcintosh no represent the wishes of tribe
    -he refused to enforce treaty governor of GA
    -defied president
    -proceeded w/ plans for indian removal
    -in 1827: Creeks succumed pressure from GA
    -agreed to still another treaty: yielded their land
  • John Quincy Adam’s presidency

    -National Road expansion
    -won several million dollars
    -improve rivers & harbors
    -extend national road westward from wheeling
    -fate of Adam’s other internal improvements
    -appointed delegates to an international conference
    -simon bolivar called in panama
    -southerners opposed the idea of white americans mingling w/ black delegates from haiti
    -supporters jackson charged
    -adams intended to sacrifice american interests
    -involve the nation in an entangling alliance
  • Tariff of Abominations

    demands of MA & RI woolen manufacturers
    -complained british were dumping textiles on american market
    -prices with domestic mill owners no compete won support from middle & western state
    -cost of provisions antagonized original new england supporters of the bill
    -western provisions placed high duties on woolens & items
    -west produced would lose support if he signed or vetoed it
    -he signed it
    -earned animosity of southernrs
  • Re-emergence of two-party system in 1828 presidential election

    -Adams: Nationa rep who supported economic nationalism of preceding years
    -Jackson: Democratic Rep called for assault privilege

    -widening of oportunity
    -Adams attracted support from Federals while Jackson appealed to broad coalition that opposed economic aristocracy
    -Jackson's victory was decisive
    -sectional : champion of democracy would occupy white house
    -restore liberty to people
    -economy a new era of democracy
    -era of the common man
  • 1828 Presidential election campaign of personal invective; sectional results.

    -jackson: 56% of popular vote
    -electoral majority of 178 to 83
    -adams swept virtually all of new england
    -adam showed significant strength in the mid-atlantic region nevertheless
    -jacksonians considered victory complete & important as jefferson's in 1800
    -america had entered a new era of democracy
    -the era of the common man