AP US History Chapter 7 Concepts

  • Early Nationalistic American Literature -Noah Webster's speller & dictionary

    -learned 26 languages
    -first american dictionary
    -many thought surpassed British "masterpiece"
    -American students should be educated as patriots
    -their minds filled with nationalistic
  • Second Great Awakening

    -christian beliefs less faavor of westward expanison of religion and educated
    -Expanded middle class
    -work ethnic, frugality, temperance
    -Gospel= save people & reform society
    -initiated by conservative theologians to fight spread of religious rationalism
  • Slater's Mill

    -Samuel Slater
    -bought britsh textile to america
    -wanted powerded spinning textile mill
    - spinning mill for the Quaker merchant
    -made skilled mechanics
  • Deism

    -Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, & Paine
    -originated among Enlightenment philosphers
    -France accepted existence of God
    -considered Him a remote being
    -after having created the universe, withdrawn from direct involvement w/ human race & sins
    -religious truth rather than divine relevation
  • Turnpike Era - Erie Canal

    -a corporation constructed toll road running 60 miles
    -Phily to Lancaster
    -early usage for toll roads
    -revolving gates in US
    -federal venture: National Road
    -conecting big cities
  • Eli Whitney's 1793 Cotton Gin

    -Eli Whitney
    -made easy to clean & plant cotton
    -could grow anywhere
    -became cash crop by 1860
    -cotton growing spread upland South
    -total crop increased african american slavery,
    -decline of tobacco production
  • Eli Whitney's method for producing guns with standarized parts

    -Eli Whitney
    -Interchangable parts
    -devised a machine to make each part of a gun according to an exact pattern tasks could be divided among several workers
    -one laborer could assemble a weapon out of parts made by several others manufacturers
    -sewing machines, clocks, and many other complicated products were using the same system
  • Early Nationalistic American Literature - Washington Irving

    -wrote about soliders
    -1st american author to make money by only writing
    -Ambassador of US
    -traveled around England
    -satirical histories of early american life
    -powerful fables of society in New World
  • Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

    -bea John Adams in 1800 election
    -reelected in 1804
    -oversaw a drastic reduction in powers of some national institutions
    -funded Lewis and Clarke expedition
    -led to Louisinana Purchase $15 million
    -war of Tripoli
    -establish University of Virginia
    -Burr conspiracy
  • Jefferson's fiscal and military policies

    -jeferson against public debt and taxes
    -milineium in goverment
    -liberated $33 million
    -took money from military and naval to pay nationall debt
    -reduced government spending
  • Marbury vs Madison

    -court ruled that congress had exceeded its authority in creating that statue
    - legislature had no right to expand them justices repudiated a relatively minor power
    -judiciary as a branch of govt coequal with executive and legislature
  • John Marshall

    -Federalist of House of Representative
    -Cheif Justice of Madison and Marbury
    -Jefferson Secretary of State
    -established judiciary as equal branch w/ executive & legislature
  • 1803 Louisiana Purchase

    -828,000,000 square miles of land
    -cost $15 million
    -stretched from Mississippi River to Rocky Mountains
    -doubled size of US
    -jefferson authorized w/o consent of congress
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition (incl. Sacajawea)

    -Lewis & Clark
    - tried to find a route across the country
    -observe natural geography
    -established good relations with native groups
    -found several large & successful settlements
    -sacajawea married frenchman
    -expedition successful
  • Early Nationalistic American Literature - Mercy Otis Warren

    -published work that attracted royalty
    -against colonial infringements
    -propagandist of American Revolution
    -"A ColumbianPatriot"
    -adovcated Bill of Rights
  • Development of steamship/Robert Fulton & Clermont

    -Olver Evans's development high-pressure engine
    -lighter & more efficient than James Watt's
    -James watt: made steam more feasible for powering boats
    Fulton: responsible for perfecting the steamboat & bringing to attention of nation
    -Clermont equipped with paddle wheels & English-built engine, sailed up Hudson
    - demonstrating practicability of steam navigation
  • James Madison’s Presidency

    -"Father of the Costitution"
    -led war of 1812
    -demand that the british government renounce impressment
    -author of bill of rights
  • Embargo Act of 1807-09

    -prohibited american ships leaving US
    -foreign port anywhere in the word
    -Congress also passed a force act
    -give gvt power to enforce the embargo law was widely evaded
    -create a serious depression through most nation
  • Non-Intercourse Act 1809-10; Macon’s Bill No. 2

    -replaced embargo
    -allowed US to trade with all
    -except British & French
    Macon's Bill #2: 3 month treaty to establish test run for trade
    -between Britian, France, America
  • William Henry Harrison/1811 Battle of Tippencanoe/Tecumseh

    -Govner Henry Harrison
    -On Indian territory
    -Tecumesh was leader of the Shawnee
    -he opposed american expansion westward
    -Americans won but with many casualties
    -result: idea to drive british out of canada
    -annex that province to US
  • War of 1812

    -causes: Great britian growing restrictions on american commerce were threatening
    -cut off american farmers from access to world markets
    -American privaters wanted revenge on british for impressment
    - south wanted florida
    - fought through mercant ships
    -canada border & gulf coast
    -ended in 1815
    -created Star Spangle Banner
    -produce Era of good feelings
  • Hartford Convention

    -New England Federalist
    -met to discuss grievances from war of 1812
    -removing 3/5 comprimise
    -adding 2/3 majority in congress
    -reasserted right of nullification
    -proposed seven amendments to constituion
  • 1814 Treaty of Ghent terms & effects

    -british were exhausted
    -in debt from prolonged conflict with napoleon
    -eager to settle lesser dispute in NA
    -Americans realized defeat of napoleon
    -british no longer have incentive to interfere w/ american commerce
    -long-term inprovement in anglo-american relations
    -commercial treaty 1815 gave americans right trade freely w/ england
  • Education in US as of 1815

    -no comprehensive schools
    -most private schools runned by elite
    -private school taught aristocracy
    -"Republican Mother"-generation can be ignorant
    -little/ no schooling for African American
  • Women's education is 1815

    -little education beside household duties of wife
    -first wave of feminism
    -Judith Sargent Murray feminist wrote her ideas as man's pen name
    -woman and men equal
    -women be educated to raise children to be enlightened
    -50% illiteracy rate