Anti Semetism

  • 1000 BCE

    The Crucifixion of Jesus

    The Crucifixion of Jesus
    "In the first millennium of the Christian era, leaders in the European Christian (Catholic) hierarchy developed or solidified as doctrine ideas that: all Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ"(
  • 1009

    Destruction of synagogues

    Destruction of synagogues
    Caliph Abu Ali-Mansur orders the destruction of synagogues, Torah scrolls and Jewish artifacts among other non-Muslim buildings.(wikipedia)
  • 1108

    Massacre of Jews

    Massacre of Jews
    Many Jews are massacred and their houses and synagogues are burned following a Muslim victory at the Battle of Uclés (1108). Of those murdered is Solomon ibn Farissol, the leader of the Castile community. This incident greatly impacted the Hebrew poet Judah HaLevi, and completely shifted the focus of his poetry.(Wikipedia)
  • 1999 LA Jewish Community Center Shooting

    Buford O. Furrow, Jr. kills mail carrier Joseph Santos Ileto and shoots five people in the August 1999 Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting. (Wikipedia)
  • New York Synagogue firebombing

    Firebombing of a New York synagogue (Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale), 2000 New York terror attack. (Wikipedia)
  • Concentration camp shooting imprisonment

    Concentration camp shooting imprisonment
    Untersturmführer Julius Viel was convicted in 2001 of shooting seven Jewish prisoners from the Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1945.[441][442] (Wikipedia)
  • 2002 White supremacist bomb threat

    2002 White supremacist bomb threat
    During a 2002 white supremacist terror plot, a pair of white supremacists planned to bomb a series of institutions and people associated with African American and American Jewish communities.[452][453][454] Targets included the United States Holocaust Museum, the New England Holocaust Memorial; well-known Jews, including Steven Spielberg; and black leaders, including Rev. Jesse Jackson.[452] (Wikipedia)
  • 2002 Europeans attack Jews

    Massive European wave of attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions between March and May, with largest number of attacks occurring in France.[citation needed] (Wikipedia)
  • 2007 Israel Neo-Nazis appear

    The Jewish state, Israel, is shocked to find a Neo-Nazi group of immigrants (from Russia) called Patrol 36 committing vandalism and voicing anti-Semitic rhetoric within its borders. Some members had immigrated under the Law of Return. One of that group's members was a grandchild of a Holocaust survivor, and all were of Jewish descent.
  • United states Holocaust Memorial Museum Shooting

    United states Holocaust Memorial Museum Shooting
    A lone 88-year-old gunman and Neo-Nazi, James von Brunn enters the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., shooting and fatally wounding Stephen Tyrone Johns, a security officer of African-American descent.[546] See: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting(Wikipedia)
  • September 11 accusations

    In March 2015, Louis Farrakhan accused Jews of involvement in the September 11 attacks.[594] (Wikipedia)
  • Robert Faurisson Holocaust Denier dies at 89

    Robert Faurisson died at age 89 due to a heart attack. He was prosecuted by the french for participating in the Holocaust and denying the fact that he took part in it.(NY Times)
  • Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

    This act took place in Pittsburgh at a synagogue where 11 were worshiping and were murdered in cold blood. In places of worship many would least expect to lose their lives but for those 11 people that nightmare became a reality and the end result was them losing their lives.