Andrew jackson

Andrew Jackson; Hero, President, Tyrant

  • The Tariff of Abominations

    The Tariff of Abominations
    A tariff that ensured the growth of the Northeastern factories but made goods such as the cheap cloth used by slave owners to cloth their slaves much more expensive. Due to this South Carolina threatened to succede from the union. Causing Andrew Jackson to return the blow with the threat of armed soldiers led by himself.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    The day that Andrew Jackson was nominated for president. Sending him down a road of being a savior for some and a tyrant to others.
  • The Indian Removal act of 1830

    The Indian Removal act of 1830
    This act was a tyranical decision ensuring that no one except for the national government would prospur from this tyranical act. This act sparked the removal of hundreds of thousands of Native Americans from the homes that they have lived in their whole life. Disregarding a supreme court decision and making one of the earliest acts of tyranny in the American government.
  • The Bank war

    The Bank war
    While Jackson did commit acts of tyranny he also sought to put a stop to corruption in the American government. By making the second national bank going out of buisness he quashed the corruption in the second national bank.
  • The Election of 1836

    The Election of 1836
    The day of the election of Martin Van Buren, Jackson's chosen succesor. Winning the election for canidacy for the Democratic party in a unanimous decision. Many Americans voted for Martin Van Buren simply because he was "Old Hickory's" chosen succesor.