
Andrew Jackson, Period 6

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767. He was born to his parents Andrew and Elizibeth Jackson. He was born in Waxhaws. This is a town on the border of North and South Carolina.
  • Jackson enlist in the Revolutionary Army

    Jackson enlist in the Revolutionary Army
    Jackson elist in the Revolutionary Army at a very young age. He elisted into the army with his brother Robert. Later on his brother Robert died.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Andrew Jackson was a general in this battle. The battle was part of the war of 1812. However it took place after the treaty was signed to end the war. America won the battle. Jackson was later considered a hero.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Jackson was a leader in this battle. The battle was faught by the Americans and the Native Americans. It was faught at a bend in the Tallapoosa river. Americans won the battle. Jackson was commended for his leadership.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The election was the first election where no one ran as a federalist. 5 different Democratic-Republicans ran. It was called a corupt bargain by Jackson. He thaught that Clay and Adams had made a deal.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    Jackson won this election by a landslide. Clay wasnt helping Adams anymore so he didn't get many votes. In the election of 1824 Jackson won the popular vote. This election let Jackson have his revenge.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    In an effort to atract more white settlers, Georgia planned to move all the Native American tribes out. The supreme court ruled against it. Jackson ,however, was a believer in state rights and let GA do it. This led to the Trail of Tears and the Seminole wars.
  • Worcester VS Georgia

    Worcester VS Georgia
    This was a supreme court case to have Native Americans removed from Georgia. The Native Americans sued and the Supreme court ruled that the Indians could stay. Jackson ,however, was a believer in state rights and let Georgia do it. This led to the Trail of Tears and the Seminole wars.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    In 1828 the "Tarrif of Abominations" was passed. The tarrif hurt the soth's trade with Europe. South Carolina passed the Nulification Act. This nullified the tarrif in South Carolina. Later John C. Calhoun ,the govener of South Carolina, threatened to secede.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Jackson didn't like that the Bank of the U.S. had so much power. Jackson said "I will kill it!" When the bank stopped helping the south he got mad. When the charter came up he vetoed it.