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Andrew Jackson Start to Finish

  • Andrew Jackson Is Born

    Andrew Jackson Is Born
    Andrew Jackson is born in South Carolina at his uncles plantation. Jackson is born to a family of two brothers, and his mother. Andrews father died weeks before he was bornn
  • Jackson in the Revoultionary War

    Jackson in the Revoultionary War
    Jackson joins the Revolutionary War as a courier. One day he is captured and is imprisoned. In imprisonment Jackson learned to hate the British.
  • Jackson Becomes an Orphan

    Jackson Becomes an Orphan
    Jacksn is the only one in his family left at the age of 14. The Revoltionary War took both of his brothers and his mother, aswell as being without parents Jackson has no family either.
  • Jacksons Start in Politics

    Jacksons Start in Politics
    Jackson is elcted to be a delegate for the Tennessee constitutional convention. The same year Tennessee gained state hood, making him a U.S representative. Jackson begins his political career in The House of Representatives.
  • Jackson Enters the Senate

    Jackson Enters the Senate
    Jackson was elected into the Senate in 1797. Jackson entered the Senate as a Democratic-Republican. Although Jackson did not keep this position very long, because he risigns.
  • Jackson Joins the Judicial Branch

    Jackson Joins the Judicial Branch
    In 1798 Jackson was appointed the position of Judge of the Tennessee Supreme Court. Unlike most of his other positions Jackson kept this position for a while. He eventually resigned from this job in 1804, he kept this job for 6 years.
  • Jackson's Back Into War

    Jackson's Back Into War
    Jackson is appointed the position of colonel of the Tennessee militia. A years later in 1814 he was promoted to major general of the Tenessee militia. At this point Jackson is the Supreme Court Judge as well, at this point he is carrying alot on his shoulders.
  • Jackson Takes Action

    Jackson Takes Action
    The Battle of Horseshoe Bend happens in 1814. There Jackson faces the unified Native American tribes. Jackson kills 800, but leaves their leader Red Eagle alive. At this time a very important person served under Jackson, David Crockett, one of the most famous people who died in the Alamo. Also it is this even that led to the promotion of Jackson to major general.
  • Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans

    Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans
    Jackson fought of the British who were pressing up the port of New Orleans. The odds ere against Jackson with a 5,000 man army against a 7,500 man army. Jackson won the battle with minimal casualties, and became a national hero.
  • Jackson in the First Seminole War.

    Jackson in the First Seminole War.
    President Monroe gave orders to Jackson to go to Georgia for two things. First he needed to fight the Seminole and Creek Native Americans, and also to make sure Spanish land didn't become a place for fugitive slaves. Jackson finds the easiest way to do both is to conquer Florida. Jackson does so succesfully making him an even bigger national hero.
  • Jacksons Election of 1824

    Jacksons Election of 1824
    Jackson losses the race for president. He was criticized, and though of too much of a military glorifier. Many believed that Jackson should have one because he was a man of the people.
  • Jackson in the Election of 1828

    Jackson in the Election of 1828
    Jackson is nominated by Tenessee to be president again. This time Jackson ran as a Democrat. Jackson won this election against Adams by about 96 electoral college votes.
  • Jackson Creates the Spoil System

    Jackson Creates the Spoil System
    As soon as Jackson is inaugurated he creates the spoil system. The spoil system is when the president surrounds him self with people who have the same political opinion as him. For example Jackson mostly had mostly Democrats in his cabinet. Aswell as with some other people in other parties who agreed with his opinion.
  • Jackson in the Election of 1832

    Jackson in the Election of 1832
    Jackson wins the election by a land slide. Jackson wins 16 out of 24, this gave him 218 electoral college votes.
  • Jackson Eliminates the National Debt

    Jackson Eliminates the National Debt
    President Jackson eliminates all of Americas debts. This is the first and only time this has happened. The elimination of debt didnt last long though, due to a deppression in 1838 the debt went up to 3.3 million dollars.
  • Andrew Jackson Dies

    Andrew Jackson Dies
    At the age of 78 Andrew Jackson died of Tuberculosis, in his home. When he died he was rembered as a great american, leaving behind one of Americas greatest legacies.