Andrew Jackson important dates

  • Birth

    Andrew Jackson was born on March 15th, 1767.
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson dates

  • Jackson enlists for revolutionary army

    He enlisted at the young age of 11.
  • Horseshoe Bend

    The U.S & indian allies beat the red sticks.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    We won the battle ending the war within 30 minutes!
  • Election of 1824

    The election itself lasted from October 26 to December 2, 1824 this is when Mr Jackson became president.
  • Election of 1828

    This election was about the same length as the last one
  • Indian Removal act

    Indian Removal act
    This act was passed to get the indians to move west.
  • Bank war

    Bank war
    The bank was suspended of payment in Feb. 1832. It was ironic that Jackson didn't like paper money because his face is on the $20 bill.
  • Worcester v.s. Georgia

    Worcester thought that moving indians from their land was unconstitutional. The court ruled that the states had no authority to move the indians.
  • Nullification act

    Jackson passed the act to dispute a state to be able to nullify a law.