Andrew Jackson

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    Born in a log cabin
  • Jackson enlist in Army

    Jackson enlist in Army
    Jackson would enter the army to serve his country.
  • Battle of Horseshoe bend Revolutionary

    Battle of Horseshoe bend Revolutionary
    British encouraged Native Americans to fight againts the United States
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The United States won the battle and Andrew Jackson became a national hero
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Jonh Quincy Adams won the election
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    Andrew Jackson won and would go on and do two terms
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    It authorized the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    President Andrew Jackson announces that the government will no longer use the Second Bank of the United States, the country's national bank.
  • Worcester vs Georgia

    Worcester vs Georgia
    The Cherokees appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that they were protected by treaties negotiated with the U.S. government.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The Tariff of 1832, despite pleas from Southern representatives, failed to moderate the protective barriers erected in earlier legislation. The South Carolina passed an ordinance of nullification on November 24, 1832, and threatened to secede if the federal government attempted to collect those tariff duties.