Andrew jackson

Andrew Jackson Timeline

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaws region between North Carolina and South Carolina. A lawyer and a landowner, he became a national war hero after defeating the British in New Orleans during the War of 1812. Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. Known as the "people's president,"
  • Andrew Jackson enlists in the Revolution Army

    During the Revolutionary War, Jackson joined the army at age 13 with his brother, Robert Jackson, who died from heat exhaustion at the Battle of Stono Ferry.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans engendered a sense of nationalism among Americans,after all the nation had now beaten back the British empire twice in 30 years, first during the American Revolution and then in the War of 1812. Pride over the victory ended the growing pains of political harshness that had plagued the United States at the beginning of the war. Winning the Battle of New Orleans not only helped the United States maintain its newly won independence and increased
  • Battle of the Horsheshoe bend

    Battle of the Horsheshoe bend
    This was a major battle when Andrew Jackson was a leader of the Revolutionary Army. He lead the Americans to victory at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend against the Native Americans, which also resulted in the killing of Tecumseh.
  • The Election of 1828

    The Election of 1828
    The United States presidential election of 1828 featured a rematch between John Quincy Adams, now incumbent President, and Andrew Jackson, the runner-up in the 1824 election. With no other major candidates, Jackson and his chief ally Martin Van Buren consolidated their bases in the South and New York and easily defeated Adams.
  • Indian Revoval Act

    Indian Revoval Act
    president Andrew Jackson called for an Indian Removal Act in his 1829 speech. The Removal Act was strongly supported in the South, where states were eager to gain access to lands inhabited by the Five Civilized Tribes.
  • Nullification Crisis

    The Nullification Crisis was a sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by South Carolina's 1832 Ordinance of Nullification. This ordinance declared by the power of the State that the federal Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional and therefore violated within the boundaries of South Carolina. The highly protective Tariff of 1828 was enacted into law during the presidency of Andrew Jackson
  • Worcester V. Georgia

    Worcester V. Georgia
    Worcester v. Georgia (1832)In the court case Worcester v. Georgia, the U.S. Supreme Court held in 1832 that the Cherokee Indiansconstituted a nation holding distinct sovereign powers. Although the decision became the foundation of the principle of tribal sovereignty in the twentieth century, it did not protect the Cherokees from being removed from their ancestral homeland in the Southeast.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Andrew Jackson extremely disliked the National Bank and wanted to get rid of it because he thought it had too much power. So when the charter for the bank came for him to sign, he vetoed it immediately, and then it was destroyed.