
Ancient Greece

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Minoans inhabit Crete in Bronze Age

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1700 BCE

    FIrst Minoan Palatial Age

  • 1700 BCE

    Earthquake on Crete

    Earthquake on Crete
    Destroyed all the Minoan palaces
  • Period: 1700 BCE to 1400 BCE

    2nd Minoan Palatial Period

    Height of this civilization
  • 1648 BCE

    Enormous Volcanic Eruption on Santorini

    Enormous Volcanic Eruption on Santorini
    Destroyed entire area and could be heard thousands of miles away
  • Period: 1400 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Mycenaean Palatial Period

    Culture changes with the invasion of the Myceaneans from the mainland.
  • 1250 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Epic story passed down orally through generations until Homer wrote about it 500 years later.
  • Period: 1100 BCE to 800 BCE

    Dark Ages

    Writing and representational art disappear
  • 776 BCE

    First Olympic Games

    First Olympic Games
    Held in Olympia and continued into Roman times
  • 750 BCE

    Homer writes Odyssey and Iliad

    Homer writes Odyssey and Iliad
    Greek poet, Homer, writes about the Trojan War, 500 years after it occurs in his epic works.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 600 BCE

    Greek Renaissance

    Colonize to export population and trading potential
  • Period: 735 BCE to 715 BCE

    Messenian War

    Sparta's militaristic society invaded Messenia and made them slaves. Sparta had two kings and a constitution so it could have been a constitutional monarchy.
  • Period: 650 BCE to 620 BCE

    2nd Messenian War

    Sparta won again.
  • 621 BCE

    Draco - harsh legal overhaul

    Draco - harsh legal overhaul
    Death as a penalty for almost everything
  • 594 BCE

    Solon's Athenian Reforms

    Solon's Athenian Reforms
    Cancelled all debts; Athenian coinsl; granted citizenship to immigrant craftsmen; groups were divided by how much grain that they could raise, not by birth family
  • 510 BCE

    Athens Freed from Tyrants

    Athens Freed from Tyrants
    A series of tyrants who had taken power in Athens were finally defeated.
  • 508 BCE

    Birth of true Democracy – Cleisthenes' reforms

    Birth of true Democracy – Cleisthenes' reforms
    Equality under the law and equality to speak in the assembly
    One man, one vote principle
    All free men can be on juries and hold office
    Basis of US constitution