Ancient egypt

Ancient Egypt

  • Aug 27, 1292

    The New Kingdom

    The New Kingdom
    During the New Kingdom, Egypt tried to create a buffer between the Levant area and Egypt. Egypt also accumulated its greatest territorial area. In response to successful 17th century attacks by the powerful Kingdom of Kush, the New Kingdom felt forced to expand farther south into Nubia and hold large territories in the Near East. Egyptian Armies fought the Hittite armies for control of what is modern-day Syria.
  • Second Intermediate Period

    Second Intermediate Period
    The native ruling house of the Egyptians was located in Thebes, and it declared its independence from the royal city of Itj-tawy. They eventually lead the war of liberation that drove the Hyksos from Itjtawy back into Asia. The Theban-based 17th Dynasty restored many temples around Upper Egypt while also maintaining a peaceful trading relationship with the Hyksos kingdom to the north.
  • Period: to

    Post Empire Egypt: The Reign of Cleopatra

    As pharaoh, Cleopatra created a close working relationship with Julius Caesar that solidified her place on the throne. Her son, Caesarion, co-ruled with her, and after Julius Caesar’s assassination in 44 BC, she worked with Mark Antony in opposition to Caesar's legal heir, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, who was later known as Augustus. She later had twins and a third child with Antony. After Antony lost the Battle of Actium to Octavian's forces, he committed suicide and Cleopatra did the same.
  • The Middle Kingdom

    The Middle Kingdom
    The people of the Middle Kingdom are shown as people that take care of their population, instead of how the god-like kings controlled everyone during the Old Kingdom. During this period is when the Pharaohs first started to control places further north of Egypt such as Jerusalem, Jericho, and Syria.
  • First Intermediate Period

    First Intermediate Period
    Rulers rose from Heracleopolis in Lower Egypt,and they reigned for around 94 years. The First Intermediate Period in Egypt was mainly divided into two main geographical and political regions. One was centered in Memphis and the other was in Thebes. The period ended when Mentuhotep II defeated those Heracleopolitan kings in Lower Egypt and he reunited Egypt under a single ruler.
  • The Old Kingdom

    The Old Kingdom
    the last king of the Early Dynastic Period was related to the first two kings of the Old Kingdom, but the 'capital', where the king and his family resided, was still located at Ineb-Hedg, or Memphis. It was in this era that formerly independent ancient Egyptian states came together under the rule of the pharaoh. Egypt's expanding interest in trade goods like ebony, incense, gold, and copper. Artists and builders also learned new and better ways to make their creations last longer.
  • The Early Dynastic Period

    The Early Dynastic Period
    The lower city of Memphis is where the Dynastic period is known to originate. During this time, a Pharaoh named Narmer rose to power. His rule marked the first dynasty in the world. He ruled the unified upper and lower Nile River. It has been assumed that Egypt became unified because of its cultural and economic domain long before its first king came to the throne.
  • The Fruitful Nile River of Egypt

    The Fruitful Nile River of Egypt
    The Egyptians discovered that the Nile flooded for about six months at around the same time every year. When the river would recede, it would deposit a rich layer of silt that greatly helped the growing of wheat, beans, barley, and even cotton. Farmers learned to dig short canals that lead to the crop fields located near the Nile, so that the fields were provided with fresh water for year-round irrigation. Not only did the Nile help fertilize the land in Egypt, it also served as a trade route.
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