
American History Honors Timeline

  • Jamestown

    On this day 104 men have landed in North America, as today called virginia. This was Engalnd's first permanent settlement in the "new land" They were supported by Virginia Company of London, which hoped to recive many of the new profits and resources of the new land. This shaped the United States because it was a very first permanent colony, and gave us the spirit of possible opportunity in the new land.
  • "No taxation without representation

    "No taxation without representation
    This was the time where the King of Great Britain was taxing the colonies unfairly for their goods, such as exessive tax for tea, sugar, and many other house goods. this angered the colonies because it was unfair for them to be taxed so heavily for no reason. This shaped the United States because it gave us a drive and reason to separate from Great Britain.
  • Boston Massacure

    Boston Massacure
    On this day, in Boston during a riot betwen the colonist and the British Army about the recent acts such as the Quarting asct and stamp act, during the rally things became out of hand and a few shots were fired from some of the British solodiers killing 5 fellow colonists causing great disruption in the nation. This shaped our country because it made us very angry and led us into the revolutionary war with Great Britiain.
  • Delcaration of Independence

    Delcaration of Independence
    On this day, The United States had a meeting with great Britian where we delcared our indepoendece from them. Telling Great Britain why we wanted Independce, and how their King was taxing unfairly and how we were tired of them mistreaing the colonies. With all of our fore fathers signing the document such as Thomas Jefferson (who wrote the document) and Geaorge Washinton and ext. we gained our independece. This shaped our country because it made the United States which we are still standing toda
  • Constituition

    On this day, the Unites States constituition was written to show how our country was going to be run, it explained how our government was goin to have three diffrent brnaches, and how each man would have equal rights, and the basic rights and laws that were set for the Unites States of America. This shaped our country by setting up our first official government and laws if the United States.
  • Lousinana Purchase

    Lousinana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was a land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired about 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million dollars. this shaped our country becaue it started our move toward the West of our country where we explored.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a war fough for 2 and half years that almost separted our nation apart, it was fought against the Canadians, Bristish, Indians, and the French, and it was about how Engalnd wanted to deny all trades to France with the colonist. The war ended and United States had come out on top again. This was shaped our country because it showed that we were a solid country and could deal with war, and stick together and make our own decisions.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    This was the theory that the United States made to move westward after the Louisiana purchase. It Stated that if God wants us to have the land then he will let us conqueor it. during this movement we removed so many indians and killed many buffalo in the process. This shapped our country because it allowed us to expand westard and develop settlemnt over there.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This was the event in which the Congress made the law that any state above the Missouri State line was considered to be a free state, where all slaves there would be free. Then any state below the line was a slave state. This shaped our country because it stated to devolop two diffent groups of our country, the Union and the Confedercy.
  • Dread Scott Act

    Dread Scott Act
    The Dread Scott decision was a court case in which a slave owner had moved above the Missouri state line and the slave claimed he was free because his owner was moved my the army there. This case eventually made it all the way to supreme court where it was rukled that, the slave still belonged to his slave owner. This Shaped our country because it really separted the two sides ouf our coutnry causibg us to start to form two diffrent distinct armys.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    This batlle was in the harbor of South Carolina where, the Union arrived and tried to get Anderson to surrender and give up the fort. He dineid and the first artillery was fired at ther fort, amrking this the firtst battle and start of the civil war. This shaped our country because it stasrted a 5 year hell, withing our country.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    This was war withing our country The union vs. the confederacy, this was a 5 year bloody battle, wiht Lincoln as the president fighting to preserve the union, vs the conferderacy trying to keep slavery in the country. The fighting consited mostl in the South, where the union eventually came on top and defated the confederacy, and a long bulid of reconstruction began to rebuild our broken country. This shaped our country because besides the revolution, it was the biggest moment in history for our
  • Battle of Aneitnam

    Battle of Aneitnam
    This batlle was on of the hardests fought battles in the Civil war, and for sure one of the bloodiest. Most important of this battle is because this in when President Lincoln made his speech of the Emancipation Proclamation whiched freed the slaves. This shaped our country because it freed all of the African Americans in our country. then started the movment to their rights.
  • Louisianna 10% plan

    Louisianna 10% plan
    This was the idea proposed by Lincoln that a confderacy state may return to the United States if only 10% agreed to the new rules and regulaions of the country. This shaped our country because it allowed us to rebuild our country faster.
  • Freedmans Bureua

    Freedmans Bureua
    THis was thevent which stated that no matter what color, could work for free labor (usually ex- slaves ) in excahnge for achres of land, food, and clothing. Then lincoln was exucuted and it was followed through as planned. This shaped our country because it showed our respect for the slaves.
  • Period: to

    Gilded age

    This was the reforming age of our country where inventions began to pop out, and things began to advanve and we were growing west and reciveing many new immigrnats, and the country was ruled by business owners
  • Great railroad strike

    Great railroad strike
    THis trike was help up against the transcontinental railroad because it had its worker working almost 15 hour shifts which was too long so the labor unios got together and ecided to strkie to getthe business owners to lighten up. This shaped our country because after these events our country started to develop more things like lesure time.
  • Immigration

    now Ellis Islnad opened for the flowing immigrants in our country, and we started to inspect many of our immigrants espcially the irish which we had run through many test and many were either sent back or had to wait till either a disease was healed and acceptance to our country. This shaped our country because we started to grow, but then we started now not wanting the irish in our country .