America Builds an Empire

By qtmccay
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    Takeover in Hawaii

    America became interested in Hawaii when its strategical, economical, and political opportunities were realized. America then forcefully took the islands from the natives with little resistance due to technological advantages. A few years later, Hawaii was annexed.
  • Purchase of Alaska

    Purchase of Alaska
    Seward was the man who pushed the purchase of Alaksa because he saw the land, resources, and political benefits. Many people thought that he was crazy for wanting to buy the frozen wasteland. It was purchased for 7.2 million from Russia. After purchase, large amounts of gold and petroleum were discovered which made it a worthwhile investment
  • Yellow Journalism Emerges

    Yellow Journalism Emerges
    Yellow Journalism was spurred by competition between rival newspapers. It used dramatization to increase sales. The peak of Yellow Journalism came after the Maine was sunk. This helped to fuel the Spanish-American war.
  • Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

    Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders
    This was a group in the army led by Teddy Roosevelt. They were a varied group of men from many different places and backgrounds. They were very popular during the Spanish-American War and they had a very good reputation with the public. They helped in the conquering of Cuba
  • America Claims Guam, The Philippines, and Puerto Rico

    America Claims Guam, The Philippines, and Puerto Rico
    The United States controlled Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico. Guam was purchased for 20 milllion dollars. Puerto Rico was eventually annexed and Cuba became a protecorate. America had many economical, political, and military related reasons for becoming involved with these nations.
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    The Spanish American War

    Spain was in control of Cuba when they crushed a revolt. America was not happy so an American war ship was sent to "watch" over the island. Weeks later, the ship explodes. America thinks that Spain was behind it due to massive amounts of yellow journalism. The two countries go to war and America comes out victorious. America had political, economic, and religious reasons for fighting the war
  • The Open Door Policy in China

    The Open Door Policy in China
    America wanted more trading rights, so the Open Door Policy was established. This gave equal access to Chinese ports and increased trade and relations with China. America also had political reasons such as spheres of influence that fueled this policy.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxers were a group in China who wanted to exterminate all the foreigners in the country. They believed that by doing certain calisthenic routines that they would become invincible. They acted violently and killed many foriegners. They were motivated by political and religious reasons.
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    The Mexican Revolution

    America became involved in the Mexican Revolution due to political and economic needs. They wanted to remove the dictator named Huerta and put in place a democracy. Pancho Villa attacked and American town and caused a huge expedition/manhunt that went all the way through Mexico. He was never found.
  • America Gets Involved With: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Panama

    America Gets Involved With: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Panama
    The U.S. became involved with Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Panama because of political reasons, economic reasons, and they wanted to expsand their spheres of influence. Their involvement with these countries resulted in strained relations with other countries. There was a small rebellion in Panama that was put down very quickly by the Marines. All of these nations were very strategic points in the Carribbean.