Alicia's Life Timeline

  • Prenatal Development-Birth

    Born on November 30th 1992 In Ann Arbor MI, Normal natural birth, average full term birth weight of 7 lbs 11 oz, 21 inches long.
  • First two years of life-cognitive Development

    At this age i would find my hands, feet, fingers and tors and put things in my mouth like toys, hands, feet. At this stage i also began to repeat behaviors i found pleasing and began to have some what of a memory.
  • First two years of life - Psychosocial Development

    In my first two years, on a psychosocial developmental side, i started to have sepertation anxiety from being away from my mother and did not like many strangers or anyone who wasnt her. I was an "anxious" toddler as she describes me.
  • First two years of life - Biosocial Development

    In my first two years of life, I grew rapidly as any healthy baby should! I slept most of the day and ate a lot. in the first six months, and tocuhed everything in sight. At 6 months of age, i crawled and at 12 months of age (1 year) I walked! in the months following these events i learned alot like how to talk and build my own personality.
  • Early childhood

    my mom had my little sister!
  • Early Childhood - Biosocial Development

    In my early childhood years, my seperation anxiety started to get better, I started taking dance classes that I contiuned to do until I was 18 years old.
  • Early childhood

    I startd preschool
  • Middle Childhood - Cognitive Development

    Lost my first tooth! and was diangosed with asthma.
    I did well in school and enjoyed learing.
  • Middle Childhood years - Psychosocial Development

    My parents got divorced and it changed our lives dramatically.
  • Middle Childhood - Biosocial

    I enjoyed going to school, being in dance class and playing with my friends. I lost my first tooth!
  • Adolescence - Psychosocial Development

    I have always had a good relationship with my mom, my dad and I's relationship was up and down most of my life. I communicated with my mom about everything and knew she was always there for support. I stayed out of trouble and had few but close friends througout my life, I had some depression issues growing up until now, most of what comes from not having a stable relationship with my dad.
  • Adolescence - Biosocial Development

    Between ages 11-13 I could tell my body was starting to change. At this age gap I started developing a lot more anxiety than I already had at that time. At age 13, I started puberty.
    At age 16, I started working out more along with still being in dance classes and I became very fit, this helped with my anxiety, keeping my mind off things.
    At age 18, I was pretty much at my best "Adult" body weight and features.
  • Adolescence - Cognitive Development

    I remeber in middle school ages (11-14) I had some self esteem issues, not to a dramatic point but I was always looking at other girls wishing I could be as pretty as them or have what they had. Looking back now its silly that kids in middle school think like that.
    At age 14, I had my first job, I still danced 5 days a week and I had my first "boyfriend"
    Ages 16-18, I was in highshool, still with the same boyfriend and danced, worked, and worked hard at school.
  • Emerging Adulthoos- Cognitive Development

    In 2012, right out of highschoo, I attended paramedic school and pre course classes for nursing at schoolcraft. I took a break from school when I had my son, and worked at St. Mary's hospital in the emergency room. At age 22, I had also worked at St. Joes on the labor and delivery floor, and now I stay home with my son and finsing school to become a nurse.
  • Emergining Adulthood - Psychosocial Development

    At this stage in life, I found myself with only a few close friends who have been my same friends since middle school and are still my friends now, I stopped hanging out with a lot of the people I use to from highschool. At age 22, I got married (3 weeks ago now), and my husband and I and our son bought a house.
  • Emerging Adulthood - Biosocial Development

    At age 19, I was certified as an EMT right out of highschool, I took the course during my senior year. At age 20 I moved out with my then boyfriend (now husband) and was pregnant.
    I matured quickly throughout life and by this time I was beyond my years with my lifestyle. At age 21 I had my son, at age 22 we moved into a house.
  • Adulthood - Cognitive Development

    Age 25 - Age 65
    At this point in my life, I see my career well established, My husband already has a well establised job sine he is a bit older, (28). I see us having money saved more for retirement and continuring to grow our family and careers.
  • Adulthood - Psychosocial Development

    Age 25 - Age 65
    At this stage in my life, I can see myself with few close friends, a close family , and a close relationship with my mom and sisters as I always have.
  • Adulthood - Biosocial

    Age 25-Age 65
    Although I am not 25 years old yet, I see myself at this age being finished or close to finished with nursing school.
    At 30 years old I see myself with a well established nursing job, more kids and living a health lifestyle
  • Late Adulthood - Biosocial

    Age 65-85 When I am 65 I see myself and my husband retired, with grandkids and living up north somewhere.
  • Late Adulthood - Cognitive Development

    In my late adulthood years I see myself well established with our retirement funding and continuing to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • Adulthood - Psychosocial Development

    In my late adulthood years I see myself living a happy life with a lot of memories to look back on with my family.
  • Death and Dying - Biosocial

    I see myself living until I am at least 98-100, since that is the usual rate that my grandparents and their parents have lived for.
  • Death & Dying - Cognitive Development

    In this stage of life knowing it is coming to an end I see myself reflecting back on memories of my life with my friends, family, and all I have accomplished.
  • Death & Dying - Psychosocial Development

    After death, I see my family living with me in their hearts and following their dreams as I will raise my kids to do.