Age Of Discovery

  • 206

    China invented paper

    China invented paper
    Paper was invented in ancient China during the Han Dynasty
  • Jul 6, 1369

    Jan Huss was burned at the stake for hertetic

    Jan Huss was burned at the stake for hertetic
    (Known as John) a Bohemian religious leader who advocated ideas similar to Wycliffe.
    Huss was arrested, tried to as a heretic and burned at stake.
  • Nov 20, 1445

    ohannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press

    ohannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press
    Growth of literacy was stimulated by the gutenberg printing press
    The bible was printed in English, German, and French.
  • Nov 20, 1445

    Printing Press were created during the Italian Renaissance

    Printing Press were created during the Italian Renaissance
    Growth of literacy was stimulated by the gutenberg printing press
    The bible was printed in English, German, and French.
  • Apr 3, 1492

    christopher columbus was sponsored by Queen Isabella to sail westward to reach asia

    christopher columbus was sponsored by Queen Isabella to sail westward to reach asia
    Columbus was an italian who believed he could sail west to reach asia.
  • Nov 20, 1495

    Leonardo De Vinci painted the last supper

    Leonardo De Vinci painted the last supper
    accomplishments in the visual arts
    famous sculpture famous painting
    ¨The last supper¨
  • Nov 20, 1498

    Michelangelo sculpted the Pieta

    accomplishments in the visual arts
    famous sculpture ¨The Pietá¨
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses on a church door

    Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses on a church door
    Salvation by faith alone
    Bible as ultimate authority
    All humans equal before God
  • Feb 20, 1519

    Hernado Cortes deafeated the Spanish Armada

    Hernado Cortes deafeated the Spanish Armada
    this spanish conquistador and his forces overthrew the Aztec Empire ¨in only three years¨.The spanish had gained control of northern Mexico by 1550
  • Feb 20, 1519

    Hernando Cortes and his forces overthrew the aztec empire

    Hernando Cortes and his forces overthrew the aztec empire
    this spanish conquistador and his forces overthrew the Aztec Empire ¨in only three years
  • Sep 6, 1519

    Ferdinard Magellan

    Ferdinard Magellan
    his explorer is credited with being the first person to cross the Pacific Ocean and to circumnavigate ¨or sail around¨ the globe.
  • Jun 9, 1534

    Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrance River to Montreal for France

    Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrance River to Montreal for France
    In 1534, Cartier was commissioned by King Francis I of France to explore the northern American lands in search of riches and the rumored Northwest Passage to Asia
  • Nov 11, 1535

    King Henry vii broke from the church in Rome and divorced his wife

    King Henry vii broke from the church in Rome and divorced his wife
    Dismissed the authority of the pope in Rome
    Broke with Rome
    Headed the national church in England
  • Mar 20, 1540

    John Calvin developed the idea od predestination

    John Calvin developed the idea od predestination
    Faith revealed by living a righteous strong ethic
    Expansion of the Protestant Movement
  • Dec 15, 1545

    Followers of council of trent met at the council of trent

    Followers of council of trent met at the council of trent
    Reaffirmed most church doctrine and practices
    The sale of indulgences was stopped by the Council of Trent
  • Nov 20, 1558

    Eliabeth the 1st became the head of the Anglican Church

    Eliabeth the 1st became the head of the Anglican Church
    As queen, Elizabeth was head of the Anglican church
    Expansion and colonialism
    Obtained victory over the Spanish armada
  • Henry iv issued the Edict of Nantes

    Henry iv issued the Edict of Nantes
    Edict of Nantes gave the Huguenots the right to worship as Protestant and returned many of their civil privileges.
  • Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years Wars

    Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years Wars
    began when the Roman emperor Ferdinard II attempted to curtail religion
  • Slaves was shipped along the Middle Passage of Triangular Trade

    Slaves was shipped along the Middle Passage of Triangular Trade
    Linked Europe, Africa and Americas. Slaves, sugar and rum were also traded.
  • Muhammad began the Islamic religion

    Muhammad began the Islamic religion
    Muhammad is the founder of Islam